Rabbit, Rabbit! NaBloPoMo begins

And so it begins…

I’ve made breakfast and packed a lunch for hubby. Cleared the clutter off the front porch, and washed the dishes. Made a cup of coffee, two fried egg sandwiches for the youngest two teens, and ate a Portuguese muffin with a second cup of coffee (my idea of breakfast). Poked around on the interwebs and checked my mail on WoW (World of Warcraft). Had a half dozen philosophical discussions/disagreements with the youngest (who is fourteen going on forty). Danced around the living room to “Bang Bang” to punish the youngest for hurting my brain (she was appropriately horrified). Now, it’s finally time to sit in front of my computer and watch as the words to my novel and blog magically appear on my screen (that’s how it works, right?).

I’m no stranger to NaNoWriMo – this is my eighth year, and I’ve won all but two. However, this is my first attempt at NaBloPoMo over on BlogHer – a site I’ve belonged to since 2007, but have woefully neglected. I’m hoping that thirty days of focusing on my blogging and novel writing will get me back on track – I’ve been stumbling around for far too long.

Speaking of stumbling, I figured this would be a great way to document, disclose, and discuss my recent struggle with depression and the ways I’ve discovered to overcome it. I look forward to connecting with everyone.

Oh, almost forgot! For those of you wondering about the title of this blog post, this is the best explanation I found online –

Rabbit Rabbit comes from a tradition in New England, inherited from Old England, that if “rabbit rabbit” is the first thing to cross your lips on the first morning of each month, you and yours will jump into the future with good fortune and a renewed sense of possibility. (from Rabbit Rabbit Radio)

To all those doing NaNo and NaBlo, good luck and happy writing!

Feel free to shout out!

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