A Heartful Wednesday Walk from October 15th 2019

Yesterday, in the middle of trying to figure out about nineteen million things in regards to hubby’s shoulder surgery (paperwork, PT, and pain meds, to name a few), I heard mutterings on social media about a Nor’easter approaching our area, scheduled to hit later tonight. I’ve been wanting to get some shots of the foliage in our yard, and realized it might be my last chance. Little did I know it would be such a heartful Wednesday Walk wander!

Not to go all Hallmark card on you, but as the past few years weeks have been especially challenging, it was nice to take a few minutes (twenty in total) to breath the fresh air and appreciate the gorgeous land around us. It was about this time last year that we thought for sure we’d have to move quickly (long boring story about our septic system) and while things aren’t much better in that regard, we’ve found a workable solution for now. There are other reasons why this place doesn’t quite work for our family any more, but I’m trying to do a better job of appreciating it while we are here.

All of which was why, when I was reviewing the shots from my wander, it was wicked cool to spot a number of heart shapes hiding in a handful of the captures! One I noticed as I was snapping, but the others didn’t register in my brain until I was editing & cropping the bunch. Very cool of Mother Nature to drive the heatful point home, so to speak!

Speaking of wandering, don’t forget to wander on over to @tattoodjay‘s latest post, called Wednesday walk challenge Central Park And Make me Smile Collaboration week which has some beautiful wayback sunny shots of Central Park!

Now, on to my photos of a Heartful Wednesday Walk from October 15th 2019!


Heartful Wednesday Walk
I mentioned in yesterday’s Tarot Tuesday that we’re currently being swarmed by lady bugs. How appropriate that one was waiting to greet me as I walked out the front door!

Heartful Wednesday Walk
Hard to do justice to the amazing colors, but it helps to have the blue sky as a back drop

Heartful Wednesday Walk
Still a fair amount of green, but I don’t think it will be around for much longer

Heartful Wednesday Walk
Love finding little brilliant bits of color throughout the yard – from orange colored weeds…

Heartful Wednesday Walk
…to purplish tree sprouts (they looked a darker purple in person).

Heartful Wednesday Walk
Some of the green (specifically the pine trees) will stay the winter…

Heartful Wednesday Walk
…but most of what the sun is shining through now will be on the ground in the next few weeks.

Heartful Wednesday Walk
With the sun hiding behind the trees, you can see the carpet of leaves has barely begun

Heartful Wednesday Walk
I love the look of the sun behind the leaves, and this is one of those shots that as I took a closer look, I could see heart shapes everywhere!

Heartful Wednesday Walk
Someone wasn’t feeling the love so much though – Mr Chipmunk didn’t appreciate having the paparazzi disturbing his late afternoon scramble for nuts!

I took a short video of the Chatty Chipmunk, so you could hear him scolding me for yourself…


Heartful Wednesday Walk
Did I mention I love the backlit leaf look?

Heartful Wednesday Walk
Our landlady recently bought this wicked cool spiny thing for her garden. I was going to crop this shot down more, to focus on the copper awesomeness, but noticed more heart shapes in the upper right corner.

I call this one, “the last to go” 😂

I was trying to show the golden color of the leaves with the sun shining through – however the shot came out darker than I’d hoped, and cooler than I expected. And it’s a bit of a stretch, but I think I spy another heart shape or two.

More sunlit leaves

The side yard is mostly turned, and I expect a large majority of these leaves will be on the ground in the next couple days

Further along the side yard, down where I used to have my Avian Eatery, is a huge fairy condo complex mushroom growth.

Can you tell it’s been pretty rainy for the past week or two? These guys are growing like gangbusters!

To the left of the shrooms is this beautiful bush, covered in multicolored leaves.

I decided to go for a macro shot of a leaf still on the branch, and just as I took the picture, I noticed the heart shape…

…yep, definitely a heart!

I won’t even tell you how many millions of shots I took, trying to get the sun shining perfectly through the heart shaped spot. Suffice to say, this is the closest I came to how I imagined it in my head…

…although this one wasn’t too bad either (but I was hoping for more rays).

As I was getting ready to head in the house, the bright color of these leaves on the ground next to where I was standing caught my eye, so I grabbed a quick shot before going back inside. Again, it wasn’t until I looked at them later that I saw how love-ly they really were.


Happy walking & see you next week!

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