Yesterday was a dark and dreary day, but since hubby & I had to go out and do a bunch of errands (awesomely chauffeured by our boy), I decided to take advantage of the change of scenery and grab some new photos. So for today, I have a Wednesday Walk at the DMV (Division of Motor Vehicles).
Luckily, stopping at the local DMV early afternoon on a Tuesday is one of the “quieter” times (quotes because I don’t know that the office is ever really quiet…lol), so getting stuff done didn’t take long at all. But I still managed, while hubby was inside waiting in line, to sneak out of the small, people filled place and wander around the parking lot for about 15-20 minutes, snapping shots. I thought about trying to take some inside as well, but given the funny looks I got when I wandered in with my Nikon hanging around my neck, I decided it might not be the best idea. 😂
Speaking of wandering, don’t forget to wander on over to @tattoodjay‘s latest post, called Burwell beach and Villa Rosa properties which has some gorgeous captures of some beachfront properties. Also, today is @elizacheng‘s Make Me Smile collaboration with Wednesday Walk – check out her post, MakeMeSmile Season 3 WednesdayWalk MakeMeSmile for more information and some wicked cool throwback photos of her family’s staycation.
Now, on to my Wednesday Walk at the DMV on October 22 2019!
crunch berries were on the ground, since the trees seem to still be full of them.
Happy walking & see you next week!

Thanks for stopping by!

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Blog graphics created on Canva
My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.
All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can sometimes also be found on my various social media sites.
Speaking of witch which…
I have one billion many homes on the interwebz.
Here are a few…
- Smoke Blog ~ Traci York
- Steemit Blog ~ Traci York
- WordPress Blog ~ Traci York
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- Facebook Page ~ Traci York, Writer
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- My Weku Blog ~ Traci York
- YouTube ~ InternetGeek
- Ello ~ @traciyork
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