Tarot Tuesday weekly reading for November 19th 2019

Happy Tarot Tuesday! Welcome to another one of my weekly tarot card readings. I started posting these free readings monthly back in late 2015, then switched to every week in early 2016. They’ve been by far my most popular posts, as well as being one of my favorites to put together. Today’s reading is for the week of November 19th 2019.

First a quick update about the post I talked about putting together last week about the one year anniversary of the day that Freddie the stray cat adopted us. While I have a rough draft set up, I got a bit distracted looking through the zillions bunches of photos, and reminiscing with the family about his arrival. I’m definitely planning to get it finished up in the next week or two though. Thought I’d mention it since a few people had asked.

Okay, now back to the Tarot reading! Since I do mine are a little different than some other readers on other social media (though it’s definitely not my original idea – in fact, I was inspired by a couple other WordPress bloggers), here’s a quick rundown on how this works…

First, pick a card you are drawn to from the photo below. If more than one speaks to you, go ahead and pick that one too. You can even pick all three!

When you’ve decided on your card (or cards), scroll down to the bottom of the page for the photo revealing the card faces, and your message for the upcoming week.

Also, don’t be worried if you don’t happen to see this exactly on Tuesday. The message will be ready and waiting for you whenever you get here. 😊

I should also mention…

Now, here are the backs of the cards (and yep, it’s a brand new picture every week). Take a moment to center yourself and focus. When you’re ready, look at the photo and then decide which one (or ones) speaks to you. After that, scroll down to the bottom of my post for your message.
November 19th 2019 Back

Next, to make sure you don’t see the picture of the front of the cards before you’ve made your choice, I’m adding a graphic here as a bit of a spacer/spoiler prevention. Over the past few days, I’ve talked to a number of blogging friends all over the globe about flowers – in one case (waves at @fionasfavourites), I shared one of my Dahlia photos from a couple years back. It reminded me that I’d made this particular quoto using that same Dahlia picture I shared, and the words of Nora Roberts (from her book, Charmed & Enchanted).


Finally, it’s now time for the big reveal! Here are the fronts of the cards…

November 19th 2019 Front
…and the messages for each card are…

1. Two of Swords

Should I stay or should I go? You totally relate to Mick Jones when he says, “this indecision’s bugging me.” You’re stuck between a rock and a hard place and you can’t move until you can see what the problem is. You’ve been trying to ignore it, hoping it will go away, but that’s not the solution. Once you put down your swords, and remove your blindfold you’ll have a better idea of the answer. And judging by that crescent moon hanging in the sky on the card, you might find a new beginning as a result.

Tarot Tidbits: The Two of Swords was last spotted, also in the first position, about five months ago on June 18th, 2019.

2. Queen of Cups

Trust your intuition. Time to listen to your heart, and not your head. Sit, meditate, and reflect on all aspects of the situation, and try to figure out what makes emotional, if not practical, sense. This might also call for a hefty dose of compassion – sometimes simply being supportive for someone is all they need. Channeling your inner Miss Honey and using a listening ear, an open mind, and a bazillion hugs can go a long way towards healing and understanding.

Tarot Tidbit: Queen of Cups was last seen about six months ago, in the third position on May 28th 2019.

3. Nine of Wands

You can do it. You’re tired. You’ve been pushing ahead as hard as you can, and you feel like you need a moment (or twenty) to catch your breath. Don’t worry – you’re almost there, and everything you’ve worked towards is about to come to fruition. Just give it one last, good push and remember to never give up.

Tarot Tidbit: The Nine of Wands was last seen four months ago, also in the third position, on July 2nd, 2019.

November 5th, 2019

I hope you enjoyed your message for the week of November 19th, 2019! Bright blessings to you!



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Here are a few…

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