Tarot Tuesday reading for the week of July 6th 2021

Welcome to another one of my Tarot Tuesday posts! I started doing these free readings monthly back in November 2015, then switched to every week almost a year later in September 2016. They’re by far my most popular posts, as well as being one of my favorites to put together. Today’s reading is for the week of July 6th 2021.

I can’t believe we’ve already crossed the halfway point of the year! There are so many things I’ve been wanting to blog about (like the new addition to our family I mentioned last week) but it seems like every time I sit down to work on a post, something immediately distracts me. For example, this is a view of the shelf above my desk (yes, it sits partly in our bedroom closet…lol). Notice anything potentially distracting in this shot? 😂

Pumpkin's new favorite sleep spot
Pumpkin’s new favorite sleep spot,

As for the reading – the setup of how I do these was not my original idea. I was actually inspired by how a few other bloggers were doing their readings back years ago. And since this method is a little bit different than how some other readers on other social media do them (usually posting the card backs first, then the messages at a later time), here’s a quick breakdown on how this works…

First, pick a card you are drawn to from the photo below. If more than one speaks to you, go ahead and pick that one too. You can even pick all three, in whatever order you like!

When you’ve decided on your card (or cards), scroll down to the bottom of the page for the photo revealing the card faces, and your message for the upcoming week.

Also, don’t be worried if you don’t happen to see this exactly on Tuesday. The message will be ready and waiting for you whenever you get here. 😊

I would also like to mention…


Now here are the backs of the cards for this week. Take a moment to clear your mind, inhale and exhale deeply, center yourself – whatever you need to do to focus. When you’re ready, take a look at the photo and then decide which one (or ones) speaks to you. Then scroll down to the bottom of the post for the picture of the front of the cards, and your message.

July 6th 2021, Back

Next up, as a bit of insurance policy to make sure you don’t see the picture of the front of the cards before you’ve made your choice, I’m putting some of my infographics here as a type of spacer/spoiler prevention. Since the New/Dark Moon in Cancer will be here in a few days (either the 9th or 10th, depending on your time zone) I thought I’d share a couple of my New/Dark Moon infographics I’ve created over the years.


Dark Moon Intention Ritual



Dark Moon Release Spell




Now it’s time for the big reveal! Here are the fronts of the cards…
July 6th 2021, Front

…and the messages for each card are…

1. Ten of Wands

The Burden. This card tends to show up for me when I’ve gotten caught in, “Fine, I’ll do it myself” mode. You know, when you think you need to do absolutely everything yourself, because no one else can do it the right way? And what happens when you do everything yourself? Yep, you get exhausted. All your creative juices are drying up. It’s time to put down the burden, and let someone else carry it for a while – even small, simple things, once delegated, will help you regain your spark. As the saying goes, “a burden shared is a burden halved.”

Tarot Tidbit: The Ten of Wands was last seen, in the third position, just over a couple of months ago on April 27th, 2021. Prior to that, it hadn’t made an appearance in close to a year, with the previous time being way back on June 16th, 2020!

2. Queen of Swords

Cold hard truth. You’re getting caught up in emotions and speculation, so it’s no wonder you can’t make a decision. Sometimes you need to take a step back to gain some perspective. Try the “just the facts ma’am” approach – look at the situation from a practical, factual point of view, and see if the answer, as unappealing as it might be, appears. When this card shows up, I ask myself, “WWSD (what would Scully do?)” and remind myself that “Sometimes looking for extreme possibilities makes you blind to the probable explanation right in front of you.

Tarot Tidbit: The Queen of Swords was last spotted, in the third position, back towards the beginning of the year on January 26th, 2021.

3. Seven of Wands

Never give up, never surrender. You’ve been fighting the good fight, and thought you were almost there. Now, all of a sudden, you feel like you’re being attacked on all sides. Don’t despair – keep on keeping on, and you will soon find victory at hand. Try to bear in mind that people are probably giving you such a hard time because they want what you have (financially or creatively). Jealousy tends to bring out the worst in people. Oh, and yes – “Never give up, never surrender” is a quote from, “Galaxy Quest.” *grin*

Tarot Tidbit: The Seven of Wands was last spotted, in the first position, only about a month ago, on June 8th, 2021.

I hope you enjoyed your message for the week of July 6th 2021! Bright blessings to you!


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My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
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All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
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Speaking of witch which…


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