Tarot Tuesday for the week of November 20 2018

I’m back! Apologies again for missing last week. Things have settled down a bit, even with the unexpected addition to our family, so I’m planning to be more active on all my social media haunts starting next week.

And now, here’s my latest Tarot Tuesday reading for the week ahead beginning today, November 20 2018. For those of you just joining me for the first time, it works like so:

First, pick a card you are drawn to from the photo below. If more than one speaks to you, go ahead and pick that one too. You can even pick all three!

After you’ve decided on your card or cards, scroll on down the page for the card reveal and message for the upcoming week.

Also, don’t worry if you don’t happen to see it on the exact day. The message will be ready and waiting for you whenever you get here. 😊

Here are the backs of the cards…

November 20 2018, Back

And to make sure you don’t accidentally see the card faces before you’ve made your choice, I’m using a picture as a kind of spacer/spoiler prevention. Since Mercury turned retrograde a few days ago, I thought this spell jar created by the incredibly talented Melody Franco from Wired in Hawaii – Wire Wrapped Shells & Stones (check out her GORGEOUS Etsy shop HERE) would be perfect –

Melody's Mercury Retrograde Jar Spell

Also, try to keep in mind that Mercury Retrograde is a great opportunity to look backwards to fix what might be broken, before moving forward again.

Ready for your message reveal? Here are the faces of the three cards…

November 20 2018, Front

…and my interpretations for each are as follows:

1. The Sun

Bask in the rays! It’s that glorious moment when Dorothy opens the door and steps into Oz for the first time. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and you can see the path before you (not to mention, the wicked witch hasn’t shown up yet with her downer, shoe stealing vibes). Enjoy this moment to the fullest, and maybe even to spread the rays of sunshine to the people around you with a random act of kindness or two. It’s the time to say, “goodbye to my weakness/ so long to the regret/ and now I see the world through diamond eyes!

Tarot Tidbit: The Sun card was last seen in the third position as recently as September 18th 2018.

2. Queen of Cups

Trust your intuition. Time to listen to your heart, and not your head. Sit, meditate, and reflect on all aspects of the situation, and try to figure out what makes emotional, if not practical, sense. This might also call for a hefty dose of compassion – sometimes simply being supportive for someone is all they need. Channeling your inner Miss Honey and using a listening ear, an open mind, and a bazillion hugs can go a long way towards healing and understanding.

Tarot Tidbit: Queen of Cups was last seen, also in the second position, way back on February 6th 2018.

3. Page of Wands

Look for a message. You’ve been toying with a number of ideas lately, but nothing is really sticking. However, if you look and listen closely, there’s a tiny, little spark hiding someplace, just waiting to be fanned into a big ol’ flame. It won’t happen right away – ‘tis the nature of seeds, after all – but once you’ve figured out what (and where) to plant, it won’t be long until your inspiration grows, and it will be absolutely transformative!

Tarot Tidbit: The Page of Wands was last seen, also in the third position, way, way WAY back almost a year ago on November 28th 2017.

I hope your message resonated. If not, some people have told me that rereading the message a few days later helps to give it a bit more clarity. Also, you’re welcome to shout out in the comment section, and most definitely welcome to share this link around.

For more Tarot awesomeness, check out the @steemittarot account. You’ll find weekly Tarot readings, card info, and other excellent cartomancy coolness. While you do have to be a member of Steemit to comment and/or upvote, you don’t need to join to read the posts.

Bright blessings to you in the week ahead!


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Photo credit: Traci York, taken with my trusty Nikon,
and sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod
Blog graphics: created on Canva

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