I’m back! After taking last week off from doing a reading (for only the second time in four years), I’m fully recharged and easily connected with my cards to do this week’s Tarot Tuesday. Thank you to everyone who reached out with well wishes and support – I really appreciate it!
Now, welcome to another one of my free weekly tarot card readings. I’ve started doing these reading monthly in late 2015, and switched to weekly in early 2016. They are by far my most popular posts (as well as being one of my favorites to put together). This reading today is for the week of September 10th 2019.
If this is the first visit you’ve stumbled across one of my tarot posts – thank you so much for dropping by! If you’ve been here before – thank you so much for the return visit!
Since my readings are a little different than some other readers on other social media (although it’s by no means original – I was actually inspired by a couple other WordPress bloggers), here’s a quick rundown on how this works…
First, pick a card you are drawn to from the photo below. If more than one speaks to you, go ahead and pick that one too. You can even pick all three!
After you’ve decided on your card or cards, you scroll down the page for photo revealing the card faces, and your message for the upcoming week.
Oh, and don’t be worried if you don’t happen to see this on the exact day. The message will be ready and waiting for you whenever you get here. 😊
I should also mention…

Now, it’s time to get started with your week of September 10th 2019 reading. Here are the backs of the cards for this week (yes, it’s a new picture each week). Take a moment to focus. When you’re ready, look at the photo to decide which one (or ones) speaks to you. After that, scroll down to the bottom of the post for your message.
Next, to make sure you don’t see the picture of the front of the cards before you’ve made your choice, I’m putting a graphic here as a bit of a spacer/spoiler prevention. Since this Saturday (Friday for some folks since, for example, it happens just after midnight in my neck of the woods) is the Full Harvest Moon, I thought I’d include the two Full moon rituals I’ve put together (mostly because I couldn’t decide which one to use… 😂 )

Time now to reveal the front of the cards! Here’s the picture…
…and my messages for each card are…
1. The Hermit
Time for quiet contemplation. You need solitude. Some quiet time to reflect on things without distractions. It could be as simple as 15 minutes alone in a room without electronics or interruptions. But this isn’t the time to rest or nap – this is a chance to actively listen to your inner voice and see what it’s saying to you. Try something like journaling or guided meditation, and see how loud the silence can be.
Tarot Tidbit: The Hermit was last seen, also in the first position, a few months ago on June 11th, 2019.
2. Page of Wands
Look for a message. You’ve been toying with a number of ideas lately, but nothing is really sticking. However, if you look and listen closely, there’s a tiny, little spark hiding someplace, just waiting to be fanned into a big ol’ flame. It won’t happen right away – ‘tis the nature of seeds, after all – but once you’ve figured out what (and where) to plant, it won’t be long until your inspiration grows, and it will be absolutely transformative!
Tarot Tidbit: The Page of Wands hasn’t been seen for close to a year! The last time it was in the third position, way, way back almost a year ago on November 20th, 2018, which incidentally was my first week back after missing my first ever Tarot Tuesday posting.
3. The Devil
Check your chains. Take a look at the things you think are holding you back. You might find the chains are loose enough to escape from, and your captivity was an illusion all along. I also tend to draw this card I get when I need to do a reality check – like, how much am I overindulging in things (gaming, alcohol, chocola… wait a second, there’s no such thing as chocolate overindulgence! *grin*), or how uptight am I being (afraid to splurge, nervous to try new things). Now is the time for “Breaking the chains around you/Nobody else can bind you/Take a good look around you/Now you’re breaking the chains.”
Tarot Tidbit: The last time The Devil showed up, I hadn’t even started doing my Tarot Tidbits yet! The last time it did, it was in the first position, way, way back over a year ago on July 3rd, 2018.

I hope you enjoyed your message for the week of September 10th 2019! Bright blessings to you!

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Speaking of witch which…
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I chose card 2 – it sums up exactly where I am!
Chose 1 and 3. Really need to pay attention to #3. Thank you for these!