WW – Dark Libra Black Moon

On Friday, not only do we get a New/Dark Moon, we get a Dark Libra Black Moon. First up – just what is a Black Moon? Essentially, it’s the New Moon version of a Blue Moon, when it happens twice in once month. Here’s the science of it from Science Alert

A rare ‘black moon’ will rise this Friday night, turning the sky dark as the Western Hemisphere experiences its second new moon of the month.

Those on the other side of the world will have to wait until next month for the same event to occur, but it’ll be worth it – their eerie black moon is set to coincide with Halloween.

If you’re having trouble keeping up with all the different types of ‘moons’ we’ve got now – with blood moons, blue moons, and supermoons clogging up your sky-watching calendar – the black moon is a fairly new addition, and experts are still trying to nail down its definition.

Some say a black moon occurs about once every 19 years, when the month of February skips a full moon.

Others say it describes a month that skips a new moon – the first phase of the lunar cycle, when the Moon and the Sun have the same elliptical longitude.

But the most common definition for a black moon is that it’s the second new moon in a calendar month, which means this Friday’s event is the second time in September that the Moon will be entirely invisible in the night sky – for those in the Western Hemisphere, at least.

Also, from the same article –

The upcoming black moon will occur at 8:11pm Eastern Time (5:11pm Pacific Time) on Friday, September 30 for those in the Western Hemisphere, which covers North and South America, and certain western portions of Europe and Africa.

For the Eastern Hemisphere (Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia), the black moon will occur next month, with the first new moon expected for October 1, and the second new moon – the black one – to occur on either October 30 or 31, depending on where you live.

For the magical definition, I checked out Witchapedia

Like the blue moon, the details for the definition of the term black moon used by witches and other magic-users who work with the energy of the moon vary between traditions. The black moon may be the second dark moon or new moon in a one month period or it may refer to a month in which there is no full moon. February is the only month in which a full moon may be absent due to its shortened length. It is also impossible for there to be two new moons in the month of February, also due to its length.

The term “black moon” is also occasionally used synonymous with the term the dark moon to refer to the time of the month when the moon is not visible in the sky.

Some say that no magic should be worked on the black moon. Others believe that the moon’s energy is highly amplified at this time. The dark of the moon is a powerful time for banishing and binding, but the new moon, which follows quickly afterward is a potent time for drawing magick and new beginnings.

A little more about the Libra Dark/New Moon in general, from Cafe Astrology

A new cycle begins with a New Moon in Libra. This cycle presents a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Scales.

We have a chance to build our negotiating skills without compromising our principles or needs, and without resorting to appeasement. It’s a time to work on re-balancing our relationships, and to recognize our partners as teammates rather than adversaries. With this potent Libra energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives. Some of Libra’s “lessons” involve learning to make peace with those around us, as well as in our environments, establishing a sense of order and balance in our lives, and recognizing the value of partnerships. This is an ideal time to work on these skills. Libra has an innate ability for, and love of, synthesizing opposites. Peace and harmony are the goals, but there’s a fine balancing act involved along the way that requires some commitment and effort.

This New Moon brings fresh and creative energy into our lives, and more specifically, into our relationships. This is a cycle in which balancing our close personal relationships becomes an urgent desire. Negotiations may be especially effective, as we are inclined to assert our needs in ways that don’t offend others. However, with the New Moon square Mars and Pluto (both rather widely, but tightly with their midpoint), we can encounter resistance and possibly power struggles.

Finally, the graphic I created for the occasion. Bright Dark Libra Black Moon Blessings!

Dark Libra Black Moon

Dark Libra Black Moon. Dark Libra Moon / Black Moon. September 30th, 2016 at 8:11pm EDT. Libra is an air sign, associated with balance and communication. A Black Moon supercharges ritual work. It’s a good time for time for spells involving banishment, cleansing, and protection. Magical workings include – court cases and justice, emotional balance, artistry, partnerships, new ventures, release, and beginnings. First, this is not a passive voice. Next, I am writing in an active voice. Therefore, my SEO will stop telling me how to write. Furthermore, these sentences are also shorter than twenty words. Rather, stop being so controlling. Especially since most of the sentences in this post are not mine. I will keep going while until you turn green. I can’t believe this is still orange. Finally, it has turned. Success! First, this is not a passive voice. Next, I am writing in an active voice. Therefore, my SEO will stop telling me how to write. Furthermore, these sentences are also shorter than twenty words. Rather, stop being so controlling. Especially since most of the sentences in this post are not mine. I will keep going while until you turn green. I can’t believe this is still orange. Finally, it has turned. Success! Dark Libra Black Moon

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