I feel like it's been years since I've done a big write-up for the astrological significance of the full moon each month. And technically, I haven't done one since last year (for the December 2017 full moon). I have some ideas for how to approach these posts in the future, but for now, I'm keeping... Continue Reading →
October 19th 2017 New/Dark Moon in Libra
NOTE - Because the Universe has an amazing sense of humor, I now have a splint on my right hand, and orders from the Urgent Care doc to let my thumb rest and heal. I had a week's worth of posts uploaded & scheduled, so I've connected WP Publicize to auto-share them to Facebook, Twitter,... Continue Reading →
Full Pink Moon in Libra April 11 2017
On Tuesday, April 11th, the Full Pink Moon in Libra arrives in my time zone (your mileage may vary - be sure to check for your local time HERE). However, unless you're wearing a pair of rose-colored glasses, don't expect the color to be anything unusual - "Pink" refers to the appearance of phlox (one... Continue Reading →
WW – Dark Libra Black Moon
On Friday, not only do we get a New/Dark Moon, we get a Dark Libra Black Moon. First up - just what is a Black Moon? Essentially, it's the New Moon version of a Blue Moon, when it happens twice in once month. Here's the science of it from Science Alert - A rare 'black... Continue Reading →