Tarot Tuesday for October 2nd 2018

Hi all and welcome to another one of my weekly Tarot Tuesday readings! This one is intended for the entire week staring today, Tarot Tuesday for October 2nd, but if you don’t happen to catch this on Tuesday, no worries! I’ve had a few people tell me they found an old reading floating around on social media, but found it applied to them in that moment, so I figure the Universe will put the message in your path when you most need to hear it. At least that’s how my Pollyanna brain sees it! 😊

So now let’s get to the reading. For those of you new to this, it works like so – pick a card that you are drawn to from the photo below. If more than one speaks to you, go ahead and pick that one too. Some folks pick all three cards each week, and use this as a past/present/future reading. After you’ve decided on your card(s), scroll down the page for the card reveal and message for the upcoming week.

Here are the cards –

October 2nd 2018, Back

And to make sure you don’t accidentally see the card faces before you’ve made your choice, I’m using a picture as a spacer/spoiler prevention. While I’ve been using some of my infographics over the past few weeks, for today I thought I’d share one of the photographs I took of last week’s Harvest Moon, for a post I did yesterday, with 30 of my captures.

Full Harvest Moon rising behind the trees

Okay, maybe one more, just to make sure…😊
Full moon in the hazy sky


Now it’s time for your message. Here are the card faces…

October 2nd 2018, Front

…and here are my interpretations for this week…

1. Nine of Swords

It’s not that bad. You know the facts, and they aren’t great. But it’s not the end of the world either. Stop focusing on the fear and negativity, because all it’s doing is blowing the problem way out of proportion. No sense in wasting energy worrying about the “what ifs” – instead, look for something distracting to help you break out of this cycle of, “doom and gloom, DOOM AND GLOOM!” Maybe grab your favorite, “gotta get out of this funk” movie (mine is Stardust), and forget about your worries for a while.

2. Eight of Swords

Time to get moving. You’re stuck. None of the choices available to you seem right, so you’ve stopped moving forward. You’re afraid that if you make the wrong one, you’ll get hurt. However if you stay put, the choices only get worse. Stop overthinking and take a step – yes, there might be a little owie, but soon you’ll be back on the right track, and the pain will be behind you. As the saying (which makes me sentimental for my hometown of Gloucester, MA) goes, it’s time to fish or cut bait.

3. Page of Swords

Storm’s coming. There’s a quote by an unknown author floating around social media that reminds me of this card – “Fate whispers to the warrior, “You cannot withstand the storm. And the warrior whispers back, “I am the storm.” You have the energy, the knowledge, and the drive to get what you want. The biggest challenge comes in harnessing the power of the lightning, before the storm passes. Grab it quick while you can, and “heart to heart you’ll win“!

Extra Tarot Tidbit: All swords this time? Yikes, but I think it’s because there’s going to be a bit of fall housecleaning this week, especially as the energy of that gorgeous Harvest moon last week wanes. Also, we haven’t seen the scary looking Nine of Swords since January 30th, 2018 (while the Eight is from August, and the Page is from July), so I guess we’re overdue for a “SNAP OUT OF IT” message from the Universe. It particularly resonated for me personally, and I get the feeling if I don’t figure out how to get out of my own way, I’m going to be seeing this as my daily card a lot…LOL!


I hope your message resonated. If not, maybe reread your message towards the end of the week, and see if the meaning becomes clear then. Also, you’re welcome to shout out in the comment section, and most definitely welcome to share this link around.

Also for more Tarot awesomeness, check out the @steemittarot account. You’ll find weekly Tarot readings, card info, and other excellent cartomancy coolness. While you do have to be a member of Steemit to comment and/or upvote, you don’t need to join to read the posts. However, I highly recommend signing up, especially now that the value of Steem is on the rise again!

Bright blessings to you in the week ahead!


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Photo credit: Traci York, taken with my trusty Nikon,
and sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod
Blog graphics: created on Canva

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11 thoughts on “Tarot Tuesday for October 2nd 2018

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    1. Carolyn, essentially what I mean is to tap into the energy (lightning) created by the problem (storm) and use it for your own purpose.

      For example (and it’s kind of a silly one, but it’s the first thing that popped into my brain) – years ago, I worked at the dining hall of the school I attended. My boss decided to “crack down” on a bunch of things, including making all the women who had bangs/fringe wear two hairnets, to make sure ALL our hair was covered.

      His unfair decision caused a “storm” of angry feelings and I decided to harness the power of everyone’s electrified feelings, got all the cafeteria workers together, and walked into his office to protest why the men who had long beards didn’t have to cover them with hairnets too. While it did nothing for world peace, or any kind of meaningful change in the world, it did change his mind and we were able to wear a single hair net again…LOL!

      In short – take whatever negativity that rains down on you, and channel it towards something positive. Hope this helps!

  1. Oh dear I chose 1. But I am positive my glass is half full. But it did come on a hump day which I rarely give into. I will shake my self in the morning as it is 10pm in the UK. Shaking means waking so Tia chi in the morning on our Anniversary all will be wonderful then. Xx

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