Full Flower Moon in Scorpio May 10 2017

On Wednesday, May 10th, the Full Flower Moon in Scorpio arrives in my time zone (your mileage may vary – be sure to check for your local time HERE). Once again, I turned to the interwebz to see what this means for us astrologically. Here’s a snippet from an article over at TAROT.com, called Full Moon in Scorpio Horoscopes: Change is inevitable during May’s Full Moon by Rick Levine. Be sure to check out the whole article, and see what this means for your specific astrological sign. For example, Leo says (in part) – “Exercising caution might be your smartest strategy until you have a better sense of all the dynamics at play.

Unexpected events around the Full Moon in Scorpio on May 10, 2017, send us twisting and turning down the rabbit hole and, like Alice, we can’t keep up with all the changes in Wonderland. Resistance is futile, even though the Sun and Moon emphasize the Fixed signs of Scorpio and Taurus, urging us to hold on to the status quo. However, evolutionary Pluto harmonizes with this lunation, revealing the inevitability of transformation. Metamorphosis surely isn’t a pleasant experience for the caterpillar, yet it results in the transcendent beauty of the butterfly.

A very early morning hookup between trickster Mercury and prankster Uranus all but guarantees the day of the Full Moon won’t turn out as planned. In fact, unpredictable events can spark new ideas and change our minds in a flash. Tensions are released as we gain glimpses of a greater truth. We have an opportunity to see where we fall short of our own expectations and to initiate action that alters our trajectories. Crucial issues demand our attention and facing our insecurities is hard work. Nevertheless, there is magic in the air — invisible to those who fear the unknown, but obvious to those who are willing to engage it.

Here’s the graphic I created for the occasion, using a picture I took of the full moon in May 2016. Bright Full Flower Moon in Scorpio blessings to all!
Full Flower Moon in Scorpio

Full Flower Moon in Scorpio. May 10th, 2017 5:42pm EST. Also called The Dyad Moon or The Hare Moon. Magical workings include – career goals, energy, psychic growth, intuition & secrets, transformations, power creation, fertility, and seed growing (literally & figuratively). This is not a passive voice. I am writing in an active voice. My SEO will stop telling me how to write. Full Flower Moon in Scorpio. These sentences are also shorter than twenty words. Stop being so controlling. Especially since most of the sentences in this post are not mine. I will keep going until you turn green. Full Flower Moon in Scorpio. I can’t believe this is still orange. Finally, it has turned. Success! This is not a passive voice. I am writing in an active voice. My SEO will stop telling me how to write. Full Flower Moon in Scorpio. These sentences are also shorter than twenty words. Stop being so controlling. Especially since most of the sentences in this post are not mine. I will keep going until you turn green. I can’t believe this is still orange. Finally, it has turned. Success!

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