Quick life update before I get to my Dreamy Crow Couple – it’s been an interesting ten days since hubby had his shoulder surgery. As I mentioned in my latest Tarot Tuesday post, the procedure was problem-free, but the recovery has been pain-filled. However, last night we got, for the first time since the operation, a solid 8 hours of almost uninterrupted sleep (instead of the three to four hour naps we were getting in between his medication doses), and today his owieness is slightly less owie, so things are finally looking up! I even managed to get outside for a short time tonight to get some captures of the gorgeous Full Hunter’s moon, and plan to share them tomorrow for my first Moon Monday in forever!
Now, for my crow couple – I’d actually planned to do this for last week’s Sublime Sunday, since it was the day before our 30th wedding anniversary, and given that crows mate for life, I thought it would be an apropos subject. But better late than never, right? 😊
While I can’t definitively say that these two crows are the same each time, I’m fairly certain they are. There was a period of time a few years back that one of the two (first nicknamed Biggs, then Angel) used to “talk” to me, and hung around a great deal. I still see him every now and again, but since I haven’t been spending as much time wandering our yard with my camera, I haven’t bumped into him as much.
And just like my last Dreamy post, I used the Deep Dream Generator to create these funky fun filters. If you’re over on that site, be sure to shout out and say hi!
Last thing – be sure to check out the most recent posts from the Feathered Friday and Sublime Sunday tag hosts. @melinda010100‘s post is HERE (#FeatheredFriday) and @c0ff33a‘s post is HERE (#SublimeSunday).
Now here are my Dreamy Crow Couple shots!
Happy #FeatheredFriday on a #SublimeSunday! Hope you enjoyed my Dreamy Crow Couple!

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Great photos. I never knew crows mated for life. I like them better all ready. 🙂 I was scared of them most of my childhood because of the mvoie “The Birds.” I believe that movie traumatized me. I saw it when I was very young. LOL!