MM – A Tale of Two Hard Drives Revisited

Last Thursday, my computer shut down and Microsoft updated with nary a please or thank you. By Friday, my rig was toast. Thankfully, hubby is Hardware Geek to my Internet G33k, and got things straightened out by Saturday night – a process made easier by the fact that when he built my computer, he installed two hard drives, so all my important stuff was tucked away on the secondary. It was still a good reminder to make sure important files are backed up – I also have an external drive, but I’ve been lax the past few months about transferring new photos and documents.

In a roundabout way, this near-disaster has given me an idea for the upcoming NaNoWriMo – after five Maeve Sawyer stories (and whilst I’m in the midst of revising the first one), I need something different. I’m thinking I might try turning my fictionalized blog posts from 2005 into an actual story. Click HERE if you want to read the post called, “A Tale of Two Hard Drives” that gave me the light bulb moment.

In the meantime, I’m still working on downloading/re-installing a bazillion programs and personalizations. *sigh*



Two Hard Drives Revisited #MicroblogMondays
“Not sure what #MicroblogMondays is?
Read the inaugural post which explains
the idea and how you can participate too.”
~ Melissa S. Ford, Stirrup Queens

Two Hard Drives Revisited. First, this is not a passive voice. Next, I am writing in an active voice. Therefore, my SEO will stop telling me how to write. Furthermore, these sentences are also shorter than twenty words. Rather, stop being so controlling. Especially since most of the sentences in this post are not mine. I will keep going while until you turn green. Two Hard Drives Revisited. I can’t believe this is still orange. Finally, it has turned. Success! First, this is not a passive voice. Next, I am writing in an active voice. Therefore, my SEO will stop telling me how to write. Furthermore, these sentences are also shorter than twenty words. Rather, stop being so controlling. Especially since most of the sentences in this post are not mine. I will keep going while until you turn green. I can’t believe this is still orange. Finally, it has turned. Success!

10 thoughts on “MM – A Tale of Two Hard Drives Revisited

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    1. Thanks, Stephanie. Yes, I’m pretty sure there’s a PC version of that, but I’m always worried that something will go wrong if I’m not “there” to oversee the update (I have teeny tiny, itty bitty control issues…LOL!). I just need to get back on my schedule of transferring things over on Fridays. Still so thankful that there wasn’t anything on the main drive that couldn’t be replaced – I know other people weren’t so lucky.

  1. Ack! I would totally panic. I’m so glad it was sorted out, but what a pain. I am TERRIBLE about backing things up and rely too heavily on Bryce for that task. Must. Do. Better. I love your meme! I’m glad you’re back in business.

  2. Gah! How maddening.

    I had that happen to me on a school laptop — in the middle of a student’s presentation! Thanks, Microsoft.

    I hope you get things all settled soon. Glad you had your backup.

    1. Yowsers! Great timing – not! And thanks, Lori – still not happy two weeks later (I’ve got 7 back instead of 10 for now, so doesn’t feel completely fixed), but all things considered, it was low on the disaster scale.

  3. Windows updated itself on my laptop this morning and I had my heart in my mouth. No matter how often it happens, I’m always worried that it won’t turn out well.
    For a moment there, I thought the title of your book might be ‘The Tale of Two Hard Drives’ πŸ˜‰

    1. I’m much the same way, Corinne – unfortunately, this time my fears were well founded.

      Hey, you never know – I may end up changing the title once the book is done. Thanks for the idea. πŸ™‚

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