Weekly Tarot Tuesday reading for July 23 2019

[NOTE: Apologies for the delay in posting this – I usually have this up by 8am EST, and it’s now around 9:25am. I ran into a bit of a WordPress issue this morning – for some reason, I couldn’t get the card photos to upload. Shout out to Frank at Dreamhost Customer Support for fixing the problem in about 2 seconds! And note to self – next time, just ask the experts first, don’t try to figure it out on a Tuesday morning during Mercury Retrograde after only one cup of coffee… 😂]

Hello and happy Tuesday! Welcome to another of my weekly (free) Tarot Tuesday card readings, that I’ve been doing for a few years now. This time the reading is for the week of July 23 2019.

If this is your first visit to one of my Tarot Tuesday posts, then thanks so much for dropping by! If you’ve been here before, thanks so much for coming back again!

I do things a little bit different than some others on social media, so here’s a little bit of an explanation about how this whole thing works –

First, pick a card you are drawn to from the photo below. If more than one speaks to you, go ahead and pick that one too. You can even pick all three!

After you’ve decided on your card or cards, you scroll down the page for photo revealing the card faces, and your message for the upcoming week.

Oh, and don’t be worried if you don’t happen to see this on the exact day. The message will be ready and waiting for you whenever you get here. 😊

I would also like to mention…

Now, it’s time to get started with your July 23 2019 weekly reading. Here is a photo of the backs of the cards for this week (and yes, for the record, I take a new picture each week). Take a moment to focus, then look at the photo to decide which one (or ones) speaks to you. When you’re ready, scroll down to the bottom of the post for your message.

Next up, as a bit of insurance policy to make sure you don’t see the picture of the front of the cards before you’ve made your choice, I’m putting a graphic here as a type of spacer/spoiler prevention. We’re just about ten days away from the end of Mercury Retrograde, so I thought I’d share a Jar Spell, put together by my dear friend Melody. Be sure to take a peek at her Facebook page, Wired in Hawaii – Wire Wrapped Shells & Stones because she makes some wicked awesomesauce creations!

Melody's Mercury Retrograde Jar Spell

Time now to reveal the front of the cards! Here’s the photo…

…and here are my interpretations/messages for each card…

1. Three of Swords

Yikes! Every time I see this card as my daily, that’s the first word that pops into my head. Today is going to be a day of finding out things you really don’t want to hear, but in the end, they will be extremely healing. Like lancing a wound, you will get some pretty cutting truths, but at least you will finally have the facts, even if they aren’t the ones you want. Let the poison in your heart drain out, then you can begin to heal. Give yourself some time to wallow, listen to your favorite emo song (I usually go for Closure by Chevelle), then take a deep breath and move on.

Tarot Tidbit: The Three of Swords hasn’t been seen since last fall, when it was in the third position on October 23rd, 2018.

2. Wheel of Fortune

Lady Luck is smiling! Oh wait – that should be, “The Goddess Who Must Not Be Named.”*grin* Regardless, your luck is changing! Not only are good things heading your way, but this card is a great reminder that when things aren’t going as you hoped, just be patient for the wheel to turn back around again. Stay as positive as possible, focus on the bright side of things, then (and this is the most important thing), take some steps to make a change. Soon enough, the wheel will spin back around and you’ll appreciate being up all the more for having been down.

Tarot Tidbit: After not having been seen in almost a year, The Wheel of Fortune is back again in the same position as it was for the Mercury Retrograde 3 Majors reading just a couple of weeks ago on July 9th, 2019.

3. Two of Cups

Makes the world go ’round. While it’s easy to see this is a card about love, what’s not so obvious is that it also represents other relationships, not just the romantic one between two (or more) people. This could be a recent furry/feathered addition to the family, a passion for a creative process (writing, painting, knitting), or even something as simple as discovering a new favorite show to binge-watch (like Farscape or Jessica Jones). It’s also a reminder that the first, most important love we should have is for ourselves. As the late, great Lucille Ball once said, “Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.”

Tarot Tidbit: The Two of Cups hasn’t been seen in almost a year! The last time was August 28th, 2018, when it was in the first position.

I hope you enjoyed your message for the week of July 23 2019! Bright blessings to you!

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