Happy Tarot Tuesday! Welcome to another one of my weekly tarot card readings. I started posting these free readings monthly back in late 2015, then switched to every week in early 2016. They’ve been by far my most popular posts, as well as being one of my favorites to put together. Today’s reading is for the week of December 17th 2019.
First, I wanted to quickly mention, for those who might have missed my repeated announcement of sorts in last week’s post, yes I’m posting these now just after midnight on Tuesdays, instead of waiting until 8am. I’m not sure why it took me so long to realize what a good idea this is, but I’m just happy it finally clicked! And how strange to think that after today, there are only two more Tuesdays in 2019… 😮
At any rate, now let’s get on with the Tarot reading. Since I do mine are a little different than some other readers on other social media (though it’s definitely not my original idea – in fact, I was inspired by a couple other WordPress bloggers), here’s a quick rundown on how this works…
First, pick a card you are drawn to from the photo below. If more than one speaks to you, go ahead and pick that one too. You can even pick all three!
When you’ve decided on your card (or cards), scroll down to the bottom of the page for the photo revealing the card faces, and your message for the upcoming week.
Also, don’t be worried if you don’t happen to see this exactly on Tuesday. The message will be ready and waiting for you whenever you get here. 😊
I should also mention…
Here are the backs of the cards (it’s a brand new picture every week). Take a moment to center yourself and focus. When you’re ready, take a look at the photo and then decide which one (or ones) speaks to you. After that, scroll down to the bottom of my post for your message.
Next, to make sure you don’t see the picture of the front of the cards before you’ve made your choice, I’m adding a graphic here as a sort of a spacer/spoiler prevention. Since the December Solstices (winter in the Northern Hemisphere and summer in the Southern) are coming up at the end of this week, I thought I’d update the infographics I’ve created for both.
First, the Winter one for us Northerners…
![Yule , Wheel of the Year December 2019](https://i0.wp.com/www.traciyork.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Yule-Wheel-of-the-Year-December-2019.jpg?resize=735%2C1102&ssl=1)
Next, the Summer one for my Southern friends…
![Litha Southern Hemisphere, Wheel of the Year December 2019](https://i0.wp.com/www.traciyork.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Litha-Southern-Hemisphere-Wheel-of-the-Year-December-2019.jpg?resize=735%2C1102&ssl=1)
Finally, it’s now time for the big reveal! Here are the fronts of the cards…
…and the messages for each card are…
1. Seven of Pentacles
Just a little patience. You’re frustrated. You’ve spent a great deal of time and energy on a project/lifestyle change/person, and haven’t seen any results yet. You’ve planted the seed, watered it, given it fertilizer. Now comes the hard part – waiting. Be patient and let the earth, sun, and time do their growing thing, and you’ll see results soon enough. Take a tip from Axel, who said, “All we need is just a little patience.”
Tarot Tidbit: The Seven of Pentacles was last seen, in the second position, exactly three months ago on September 17th, 2019.
2. Five of Pentacles
You are not alone. You’re lost. You’ve had a bunch of setbacks, and you feel like you have nothing left. No worries – there is help available, right around the corner, but you have to swallow your pride and ask. Things will be better soon, and you’ll definitely know who your true friends are. As Kate Bush said to Peter Gabriel,
“Don’t give up ’cause you have friends. Don’t give up you’re not the only one. Don’t give up no reason to be ashamed. Don’t give up you still have us. Don’t give up now we’re proud of who you are. Don’t give up you know it’s never been easy. Don’t give up ’cause I believe there’s a place, there’s a place where we belong.”
Tarot Tidbit: The Five of Pentacles was last seen, also in the second position, back during the spring on May 21st, 2019. Prior to that, it hadn’t been since since December 11th, 2018!
3. Four of Wands
Celebrate your groundwork. It’s not done yet, but one of the most important steps – putting down the framework and laying the foundation – is complete. Maybe it’s a project, a relationship, or an actual home – in any case, it’s time to sit back for a bit, and celebrate this achievement. Things will only grow bigger and better from here. And keep in mind what David Brinkley said – “A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.”
Tarot Tidbit: The Four of Wands was last seen, in the second position, back during this past summer on July 30th, 2019.
I hope you enjoyed your message for the week of December 17th 2019! Bright blessings to you!
Thanks for stopping by!
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Speaking of witch which…
I have one billion many homes on the interwebz.
Here are a few…
- Smoke Blog ~ Traci York
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- YouTube ~ InternetGeek
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