Tarot Tuesday Reading for the week of March 26 2019

Happy Tarot Tuesday, everyone! It’s time for another one of my Tarot Tuesday readings – this one is for the week of March 26 2019. Quick shout out before we get started – for more Tarot awesomeness and other cartomancy coolness, be sure to check out the @steemittarot account. While you do have to be a member of Steemit to comment and/or upvote, you don’t need to join to read the posts. However, I highly recommend signing up, especially now that the value of Steem is on the rise again!

Now, if this is the first time you’ve visited one of my Tarot posts, it goes something like this –

First, pick a card you are drawn to from the photo below. If more than one speaks to you, go ahead and pick that one too. You can even pick all three!

After you’ve decided on your card or cards, you scroll down the page for photo revealing the card faces, and your message for the upcoming week.

Oh, and don’t be worried if you don’t happen to see this on the exact day. The message will be ready and waiting for you whenever you get here. 😊

I also would like to point out…


Time to get started. Here’s a photo of the backs of the cards (and yes, it’s a new picture each week). Take a moment, then decide which one (or ones) speaks to you. Then scroll down to the bottom of the post for your message.


Just to make sure you don’t accidentally see the card faces before you’ve made your choice, here’s a graphic to act as a bit of spoiler space prevention. Since the anniversary of the passage of Scott Cunningham to Summmerland is on Thursday (the 28th), I thought this graphic (which I’ve created a few different versions of over the years) that I revamped a couple years ago would be a good choice.


 Money Rune Spell Scott Cunningham


Now time for your message. Here are the front of the cards…

March 26 2019 Front

…and my interpretations for each are…

1. Seven of Wands

Never give up, never surrender. You’ve been fighting the good fight, and thought you were almost there. Now, all of a sudden, you feel like you’re being attacked on all sides. Don’t despair – keep on keeping on, and you will soon find victory at hand. Try to bear in mind that people are probably giving you such a hard time because they want what you have (financially or creatively). Jealousy tends to bring out the worst in people. Oh, and yes – “Never give up, never surrender” is a quote from, “Galaxy Quest.” *grin*

Tarot Tidbit: The Seven of Wands was last seen, in the third position, a little over a month ago (in an all Wands post) on February 19th, 2019.

2. Justice

Time for some balance. You’re out of whack. You’re spending too much time on one side of the scale – lots of thinking, but little doing; focusing on spiritual, but not physical; loads of time for work but nothing for play. It’s time to bring things back into balance. It might not be easy to take action, get exercising, say “no” or pass up some overtime – however it is what’s needed. Try to get the balance right.

Tarot Tidbit: Justice hasn’t shown up for a Tarot Tuesday reading since the summer of 2018 (on July 3rd), when it was also in the second position.

3. Queen of Pentacles

Nurture your dreams. Sometimes it’s hard to hang on to your vision for a brighter future, especially when it seems everything is going wrong and everyone is against you. But with a little confidence in yourself, and a lot of positive attitude, you can do this! Be the supportive and caring motherly type for your own self for a change, and keep in mind (as the saying goes), “Always be on the lookout for ways to turn a problem into an opportunity for success. Always be on the lookout for ways to nurture your dream.

Tarot Tidbit: This is the first time the Queen of Pentacles has made an appearance on a Tarot Tuesday!

Brightest of blessings to you in the week ahead!

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6 thoughts on “Tarot Tuesday Reading for the week of March 26 2019

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  1. As always, spot-on, dear Traci! And, I picked the Queen of Pentacles! I really, really needed that encouragement today! Thank you so much as always! Cher xo

  2. Like SeaAngel4444 I too picked Queen of Pentacles. Very timely as I embark on three montha of teaching LOTS of creative writing classes. In the dark night of my soul I wobble and worry. Good to have her looking over my shoulder.

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