Another month, another wicked awesomesauce contest from the Power House Creatives Top 3 team! This time around, we’re picking our favorite Board Games. First, here are the deets from the official contest post, PHC Top 3 Monthly Contest July: Share Your Top 3 To Win A Steem Prize
Open up the cabinet and blow off the dust, we are breaking out the board games for the topic this month! Get ready to duke it out for your favorite game piece (we all had that lucky one, right?) and clear off the table for a night of fun. Perhaps it was a family tradition to come together at the end of the day, maybe a monthly date with friends, or getting the big guns out whilst the stereo system was playing dodgy Christmas songs! However it happened, we want to know, so share your top 3 favorite board games that you couldn’t resist bringing to the table!
While the past few rounds I’ve been including related gifs, because…
…this time I decided to use a couple of old school commercials for each game. I had a blast searching for them, and I hope they bring back as many happy memories for you as they did for me!
Now, without further ado, here are my 3 nominations for the PHC Top 3 Monthly Contest – Board Games contest, in no particular order…

Nomination 1 – Trouble
As a child in the 60s and 70s, I seem to recall that telling someone “You’re in troooob…buuuullll” was usually met with the response, “You said urine, you’re a potty mouth.” But it was SO much fun to say, and this game was amazeballs especially for that reason! Plus, I swear that popping this little plastic dome in the center of the board is what led so many of us to be obsessed with bubble-wrap as adults!
1960s commercial (fun fact – I remember we used to chant, “Pop the six and you move twice” whenever it appeared)
1990s commercial (“It’s fun getting into trou-ble” has to be one of the best kids commercial line ever!)

Nomination 2 – Operation
This game was so stressful, yet so fun! This joy-buzzer-turned-into-a-game-and-excuse-to-shriek was almost more fun to lose (and get zapped) than to win (with your nerves of steel…LOL). I loved this torturous game so much I even bought it for my kidlets when they were little, and they were as traumatized enjoyed it as much as hubby & I did as kids!
And for those of you wondering (like I did at first, when it first came to mind) if this counts as a board game, I looked it up and on the Board Games Galore Wikia, it’s listed as, “Electronic, 1960s board games, Hasbro”
1970s black & white commercial (I can’t count how many times I said, “HA! HA! HA!” after taking out any of the pieces!)
1970s commercial (wonder if this, “Butterfingers” kid was the inspiration for Bart Simpson…? 😂)

Nomination 3 – Ouija
I remember at some point in the late 60s/early 70s, driving my with my father through Beverly, MA and going past the Parker Brothers building. I vaguely recall a conversation where he told me about the fact that they were the ones who made the Ouija board game, and how it was supposed to be fun like Candy Land (side note – check out this Candy Land commercial that features Ralphie from A Christmas Story – too cute!). I have a sneaking suspicion, knowing that I was always “the spooky child” and given the fact I had older siblings (six and eight years older) who seemed to think making me scream the best game ever (and I can’t say that they were wrong…😂 ) that Dad was trying to logic away some fear I was having. While it didn’t technically work, he did have me daydreaming of working at Parker Brothers some day as a game tester! Talk about a dream job for a kid!
1987 commercial (“Isn’t it…?” LMAO!)
1997 commercial (“You’re moving it!” “I’m not moving it, you’re moving it!” Double LMAO!)

Hope you enjoyed my selections, and thanks again for putting these contests together, Power House Creatives Top 3! Best of luck to everyone entering – I can’t wait to see what games everyone else picks out!

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