Wicked Wayback Wednesday Walk from July 3rd 2016

I’m still dipping back into my archives, so here’s another Wicked Wayback Wednesday Walk – this one is from three years ago, on July 3rd 2016. The shots were all taken in our Durham, NH yard, which, as it happens to be right next to something like 700 acres of conservation woods, gives us a bunch of awesome and varied visitors.

I did use three of these shots for a Foto Friday post at the time, but the rest of the sixteen shots have only been seen by our landlady and her family. The reason for that is that over the years, I’ve been in the habit of emailing her the large majority of photos I take from around the property. Hope she forgives me for being such a slacker this year!

And yes, I know she does – she’s a wicked sweetheart, and understands my body hasn’t been up for wandering the yard with my camera as of late.

Speaking of wandering, don’t forget to wander on over to @tattoodjay‘s latest post, called Wednesday walk on Roosevelt Island and Steem Basic Income Give away which features some gorgeous and summery shots of Roosevelt Island from last Wednesday – I especially like the one from the viewing platform that makes it look like he’s taking the shot while standing on the water!

Now, on to my photos from July 3rd 2016!


July 3rd 2016
Mr Red Squirrel has been playing in the grass…

… while Mr Grey squirrel spotted something overhead.

July 3rd 2016
Thirsty bee

Followed by a thirsty squirrel

July 3rd 2016
Even the butterflies are dropping by…

… to grab a quick sip. By the way, I believe this one is a Red Admiral.

July 3rd 2016
Dragonfly closeup

A moment later, he flew over to a nearby granite stone

July 3rd 2016
I always appreciate it when they stop & pose for me!

Bumblebee on a Sundrop flower (also known as Narrowleaf Evening Primrose)

July 3rd 2016
He’s got great balance!

A juvenile Bluebird strolls up to the bird bath…

… and decides it’s his turn to take a drink of water

July 3rd 2016
A different butterfly (I think this one is an American Lady) hanging out in the Sundrops


Orange Daylilies at the end of our driveway and the end of my walk.


Happy walking & see you next week!

Thanks for stopping by!

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Blog graphics created on Canva
My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can sometimes also be found on my various social media sites.

Speaking of witch which…

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Here are a few…

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2 thoughts on “Wicked Wayback Wednesday Walk from July 3rd 2016

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  1. Love your photos always, especially nature ones. But the orange daylilies tugged at my heart. My mum had them in the beds bordering my childhood home.

    1. Aww, thanks so much Bee. I almost didn’t include those last two shots, because I thought they might be a bit boring. Now I’m happy I did. ❤️

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