MM – Tufted Titmouse Troubles

Last week, we got enough icy snow on the ground that I couldn’t make it down the hill to my Avian Eatery. As a temporary solution, I shoveled out a spot on the ground near our house, and scattered the birdseed and such around. While this Tufted Titmouse enjoyed the new location, he was not at all thrilled with the wind.

Tufted Titmouse in the Avian Eatery
Heading off after breakfast
Wow, it’s windy

Also, for anyone missing (or unacquainted with) snow, here’s a short (13 second) video of the view outside our bedroom window during Saturday’s storm.

UPDATE Tuesday, January 19, 2016 Hey, X-Files fans! I have a new post up on BlogHer, if you want to take a peek – Top 5 Reasons I’m Excited ‘The X-Files’ is Back

Tufted Titmouse Troubles #MicroblogMondays
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~ Melissa S. Ford, Stirrup Queens

Last week, we got enough icy snow on the ground that I couldn’t make it down the hill to my Avian Eatery. As a temporary solution, I shoveled out a spot on the ground near our house, and scattered the birdseed and such around. While this Tufted Titmouse enjoyed the new location, he was not at all thrilled with the wind. Also, for anyone missing (or unacquainted with) snow, here’s a short (13 second) video of the view outside our bedroom window during Saturday’s storm.

12 thoughts on “MM – Tufted Titmouse Troubles

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  1. Ah, how I love alliteration! πŸ™‚

    We have more than our share of snow, thank you! And wind. But it is pretty when you don’t have to be outside in it!

    1. I’m a sucker for alliterations myself. πŸ™‚

      Agreed – my favorite view of snow is from the window, while sitting on the couch wrapped in a blanket. πŸ˜€

  2. Adding myself to alliteration admirers!

    Love the Tufted Titmouse, such a pretty little bird. Don’t miss the snow AT ALL and very glad I got out of New England before all this kicked up.

  3. Sweet of you to remember to feed them, especially when food must be hard to come by for them right now. It is so cold outside!

    1. Thank, Mel. I started doing this last winter, when we started the winter on Thanksgiving with a bazillion inches of snow. I provide food, they provide entertainment – everybody is happy. πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you, Stephanie – I’m well, and as warm as possible, given the outside temp. I keep reminding myself how appreciative I’d be of these temperatures mid-August… still haven’t convinced myself… *grin*

    1. Thanks, deathstar! The birds are so cute that everyone in the family now makes a point to check out the window for the latest visitors. And watching from indoors is the best way to watch! πŸ™‚

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