Microblog Monday – The Bat and the Full Moon

I know my Facebook friends are probably tired of hearing about this, but I felt the need to share my bat and the full moon story here as well.

Around dusk on the night of the full moon (August 18th), I took our cat out for his evening constitutional (yes, we take our indoor cat out on a leash to do his business). While we stood at the edge of the woods, we had a bat dancing around our heads. It even dropped down low enough once that Sid jumped at it (and missed it by that much… *grin*).

I spent the rest of the evening watching another New England Patriots preseason game, whilst periodically meandering outside to see if the clouds cleared enough to get some shots of the full moon. Just before midnight, my efforts were rewarded thusly –

Bat and the Full Moon
Full moon with a bat photobomb

Yes, that’s a bat flying across La Luna. Here’s a zoomed in, cropped look at it –

Bat and the Full Moon, cropped and enlarged
Moon and Bat, cropped and enlarged

If that weren’t *SQUEE* worthy enough. someone my husband knows saw both shots, and told him I should put them up on my Fine Art America gallery so they could buy copies. Even more ego-swelling – while that person hasn’t bought them yet, some random person ordered a print of the full size image!

I may need to add, “Shutterbug” to my blog tag line… *grin*

The Bat and the Full Moon #MicroblogMondays
“Not sure what #MicroblogMondays is?
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~ Melissa S. Ford, Stirrup Queens

The Bat and the Full Moon “Love. I know my Facebook friends are probably tired of hearing about this, but I felt the need to share my bat and the full moon story here as well. Around dusk on the night of the full moon (August 18th), I took our cat out for his evening constitutional. While we stood at the edge of the woods, we had a bat dancing around our heads. It even dropped down low enough once that Sid jumped at it (and missed it by that much… *grin*). I spent the rest of the evening watching another New England Patriots preseason game, whilst periodically meandering outside to see if the clouds cleared enough to get some shots of the full moon. Just before midnight, my efforts were rewarded thusly. Bat and the Full Moon. Full moon with a bat photobomb. Yes, that’s a bat flying across La Luna. Here’s a zoomed in, cropped look at it. Bat and the Full Moon, cropped and enlarged. Moon and Bat, cropped and enlarged. If that weren’t *SQUEE* worthy enough. someone my husband knows saw both shots, and told him I should put them up on my Fine Art America gallery so they could buy prints. Even more ego-swelling – while that person hasn’t bought them yet, some random person ordered a print of the full size image! I may need to add, “Shutterbug” to my blog tag line… *grin* This is not a passive voice. I am writing in an active voice. My SEO will stop telling me how to write. These sentences are also shorter than twenty words. Stop being so controlling. Especially since most of the sentences in this post are not mine. I will keep going until you turn green. I can’t believe this is still orange. Finally, it has turned. Success!

45 thoughts on “Microblog Monday – The Bat and the Full Moon

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  1. Traci, Seriously!! You are living proof that when a woman opens herself up to the magic of the earth, it will speak to her, move her, transform her! Keep sharing and shining my Leo Sista! Love, Melissa

    1. Melissa, I’m still smiling after reading this comment earlier today. Thank you so much for your support, you wicked wonderful witchy woman you! We soooo need to do coffee again soon! <3 <3

    1. Thanks, Heather! I’m still so grateful my hubby “forced” me to get a new camera, after witnessing my frustration with missing great shots with my old one. Hope you get a better camera sometime soon too!

  2. That is so awesomely cool, and a wonderful catch. It reminds me of the picture of the frog and the rocket from NASA last summer. Talk about perfect timing. For the photographers (and the bat), not for the frog.

    1. Mali, it’s actually only the zoom that comes standard with the camera (it doesn’t have the ability to switch lens, something I didn’t realize when I bought it). However, it’s a 60x zoom, so it’s hard to complain. This is the link to my Nikon on Amazon, if you’re interested in checking out the specs – http://amzn.to/1RiAfVB. Oh, and thanks!

  3. Looks like you’re batting 1000 with that photo bomb, Traci. Even though you were watching the only sport with watching (football) at the time and none of this boring baseball stuff. LOL. Great photo.

      1. I haven’t gotten into pro basketball, Traci. I think I could definitely get into college basketball thought. Someday I’ll be writing a big chart of brackets on my living room wall and living for March Madness.

    1. Thanks so much, Katie!

      (geez, lady – you keep giving me compliments like this, and I won’t be able to afford your friendship for much longer… what’s my tab at now? *grin*)

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