MM – Four letter S word

The streak is broken. For months, I enjoyed the absence of the four letter S word from my life, but now it’s popping back up in my vocabulary with annoying frequency. I suppose I shouldn’t complain, though – as New England winters go, this one has been particularly warm and four letter S word free. However, between the blizzard last week, and the one bearing down on us at the moment, I feel a little grousing is in order.

At least it was warm enough both during and after the last storm for me to wander around outside with my camera. I’m sure I’ll appreciate these by summer. *grin*

Before the storm
During the storm
After the storm
The snow is still falling
Everything is covered
Piling up on branches
Beautiful power outage weather
Mid-morning the next day, still covered
Snow and clouds
Mother Nature – she shoots, she scores!

Four letter S word #MicroblogMondays
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15 thoughts on “MM – Four letter S word

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  1. We have no snow at all right now. My daughter is heartbroken, but I’m doing my happy dance. There’s no denying that it’s beautiful, but commuting to work in it is a bitch! I’ll be happy if we don’t see another flake this year!

    1. Thank you, Stephanie! I’m one of those weird people who don’t mind shoveling, as long as it’s not in a rush. If I can take my time, I actually enjoy being out in the fresh air (and sometimes sunshine). Funny how I like shoveling, but not the reason for having to do it. πŸ˜›

  2. While I have enjoyed the unseasonably warm winter I was so sad to miss the blizzard. I love a good blizzard when I’m snowed in and cozy and have no where to be. By the time we made it through the airport Monday night (it was like a zombie invasion had happened) and out on Tuesday the sledding hill had huge spots of mud. MUD! How did it go so fast. I’m all or nothing when if comes to snow, the wet annoying dirty you can’t play in it S word is no good to me.

    1. I hear that, Kasey! I love the feeling of being snowed in too – I just wish the snow would cooperate and only arrive when we had no place to be! πŸ˜€

  3. Pretty pictures. We got 36 inches but almost all of it is gone by now. And what is left is just a slushy, dirty mess. How does 36 inches of snow melt in a matter of days?

    1. Wow. Good question, Mel – we’ve had some huge snow totals that seemed to disappear overnight as well, and I’m still amazed that it can happen like that. And thanks. πŸ™‚

  4. I moved to LA before the snow hit out there. I admit, I was doing little pleases under my breath, as I did NOT want to deal with moving in the snow. I have pretty snow pictures from the years before, but I have to admit, these are stunners.

    1. Completely understand that, Em – our eldest traveled to LA at the end of January, and one of my biggest fears was that the S word would make an appearance either on her departure, or arrival. Thankfully, Mother Nature was kind, and we were snow-free for the whole weekend she was gone. Now it seems like MN is making up for lost time… :O

      Oh, and thanks! πŸ˜€

  5. So, so beautiful! I love the second one in particular. We are in the midst of ridiculously low wind chills and lake effect snow, which has everything coated so beautifully. If it’s going to be cold and greenless, the least it can do is snow and be pretty. πŸ™‚

    1. Thanks, Jess! Yep, we’re getting hit in New Hampshire with the negative numbers too. This morning (the 14th) when we woke up, it was -12 (real feel, -35)! And agreed – if I have to shiver, at least give me eye candy outside. πŸ™‚

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