*** PLEASE NOTE *** For next week’s Tarot Tuesday (June 20th), I will have the post scheduled to go live at 8am EST, but I might not have access to social media until later in the day (I’ll be out of town). Please feel free to bookmark the Tarot Tuesday category tab (click HERE) to make it easier to find the new post, and things should be back to normal for the 27th. Also, feel free to share the link across social media – I definitely won’t mind in the slightest! *grin*
Now, on to Tarot Tuesday for the week of June 13 2017! My monthly free Tarot card readings were so popular, I decided to make them a weekly feature. If you want to catch the next one, be sure to follow my blog, stalk my Facebook, Twitter, or other social media (all my links are in the widget on the left). I shout out just about everywhere when I have a new post up.
For those wondering, I use my Universal Waite Smith Tarot Deck to draw the cards, but since it’s so well loved (I’ve owned it for a bazillion years), I then substitute my Radiant Deck for the photographs. Also, while it probably doesn’t need to be said, I’m saying it anyway – this is for fun, and my messages should never be a substitute for your own good judgement and common sense. In fact, that applies to most things in life – if your gut tells you it’s not right, always listen.
Oh, and since so many people have asked – yes, it’s absolutely okay (and wicked awesome!) to share this post! I have “Share this” buttons at the bottom of all my posts, and you’re welcome to post this on your wall, tweet, pin, stumble, tumble, or otherwise share this link to your social media of choice.
Now, on to the reading! Here’s a picture of the three I drew for today. Pick the card (or cards) that you’re drawn to, then scroll down to the bottom of this post for the card reveal and my short interpretation of what to expect in the upcoming week.
Okay, you’ve picked your card, right?
Are you sure it’s the one you want?
And you know I’m only asking to make sure you don’t catch a glimpse of the faces before you make your decision, right?
Alrighty, here’s the big reveal! Your card is…
*drum roll*
1. Eight of Swords
Time to get moving. You’re stuck. None of the choices available to you seem right, so you’ve stopped moving forward. You’re afraid that if you make the wrong one, you’ll get hurt. However if you stay put, the choices only get worse. Stop overthinking and take a step – yes, there might be a little owie, but soon you’ll be back on the right track, and the pain will be behind you. As the saying (which makes me sentimental for my hometown of Gloucester, MA) goes, it’s time to fish or cut bait.
2. Two of Pentacles
Juggling act. On the one hand, you have your passion – on the other, your responsibilities. You need to make sure you’re giving enough time, energy, and attention to both. I tend to draw this card when I need to reassess how I’m getting things done (or not), and refocus my priorities. There are some stormy seas behind you, but if you manage to keep your balls in the air a little longer, help will arrive. Like the Little River Band says, “Are you always in confusion? Surrounded by illusion? Sort it out. You’ll make out. Seem to make a good beginning, someone else ends up winning. Don’t seem fair? Don’t you care. Hang on. Help is on its way.”
3. Two of Wands
Stay focused. You’ve put your plan into action, and you’re beginning to see all the possibilities before you. However, you might be tempted at this point to try a short cut in the hopes of speeding up the process. While it might pay off, sometimes it’s better to stand fast and remind yourself of what you’re working towards while continuing the slow and steady path to success. Take a moment to look at the big picture, and know that your ships are on their way in, and soon you’ll be the king of the world!
So, what did you think of your message? Please be sure to shout out in the comment section, and let me know what you thought. And, as is the case with all my posts, if you enjoyed it, please feel free to share.
Bright blessings!

Oh my goodness, once again the perfect card showed up AND once again with specific words that have meaning to me. I picked the #2. card. A few years ago when I was needing some assistance about something (and it was on my mind) I happened to be in a store and that song came on the overhead speakers! Shortly after the ‘help’ did arrive. Now you mention it in the card I picked! Traci, I love this! Thank you sooooo much!!! Cher xo
Cher, that is wicked cool! Especially since I didn’t have that song quoted in my original definition for that card. Sunday night, after getting the post set to be published, I went out for a drive with hubby. Halfway through, the song started playing in my head and I had a, “Eureka” moment and thought it was perfect for this week’s reading. It must’ve been meant to be!
Now how cool is that, Traci! That’s awesome! Wow, it was definitely meant for me and I sure do appreciate it! Thank you! Cher xo
Uncanny. 2 of Pentacles. Second week run of really pertinent insight.
Awesome, Bee! I wonder how long my streak will last… *grin*
Picked 1 i don’t know much about Tarot Cards but i feel something is there in the cards. 🙂
Coolness, Mohit! 😀
Eight of swords: time to fish or cut bait. Holla! could not be more perfect for me right now. THANKS!
Excellent, Jennifer! Bright blessings to you this week, and you’re very welcome!
Thank you! Two jumped at me today and was spot on!
Wicked awesomesauce, Marie! You’re very welcome!
I picked #2 and it couldn’t have been more perfect! Thanks, Traci!
Awesomesauce, Katie! You’re very welcome!
Too much has happened over the last 2.5 months so Eight of Swords = seriously stuck and I’m the only one that can bail me out. Besides, I’m retiring from the workforce next week so that makes getting unstuck so much more important.
Sending lots of positive energy your way, Sharon – bright blessings to you as you get unstuck (and early “happy retirement” wishes!).