MM – It’s been one week

It’s been one week since my hysterectomy, and I’m amazed by how incredible I feel. Yes, I’m still tired and sore, but at 6am the morning after the surgery, I was standing by my hospital room window when the surgeon arrived to check in. She said, “Hey, look at you!” and I replied, “I know – I’m surprised too!” Especially given what I discovered about the surgery that morning – apparently for this procedure, they put me on an inversion table (all the better to keep pesky organs out of the way) for part of the time. I was warned to expect lots of swelling. There was some, but all in all, I’m extremely happy with the result.

My pain (on that one to ten scale the nurses ask about) was a solid eight when I arrived at the hospital – I went home at about a four, and I haven’t crept up past a five since. I plan to spend another week sleeping and recuperating, but as soon as I get the doctor’s okay – look out, world!

I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m happy to answer questions about my diagnosis and procedure – just shout out in the comment section if there’s something you’d like to ask.

Oh, and sorry for the earworm, but this has been playing in my head ever since I typed the title.

one week #MicroblogMondays

26 thoughts on “MM – It’s been one week

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  1. So glad to know that you’re doing great! I hope your pain level continues to consistently fall. 😀

  2. Oh my goodness! You are superwoman. A week later and you’re up and blogging. Hail to thee 🙂 On another note, glad to hear the pain hasn’t been bad. Hugs and hope your recovery is swift and rested.

    1. LOL! Thank you so much, Shailaja. I am only able to be a superwoman because my family is taking such good care of me. Your kind thoughts are much appreciated. 🙂

  3. Yay for you! I’m totally scared sh**less about hysterectomies (and surgery in general!). You have a great outlook and I know that’s always key for a great recovery.

    1. deathstar, I hear you! I’m so not a fan of going under the knife, but like you said – I tried to keep a positive outlook, and I think it made a huge difference. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Fantastic! Don’t overdo it though. A hysterectomy is major surgery, and you need to take time to heal. (I had one last year.) once recovered and with the all clear from my surgeon, though, I was so pleased with the results! Well, aside from the hot flushes and mood swings … 😉

    1. Great to know, Mali – thanks! Yes, I’m already familiar with the hot flashes (hubby calls them, “power surges” – I like the way he thinks! *grin*) and mood swings, since I was already perimenopausal before the surgery. I’m doing my best to not overdue things too quickly – so far, so good. 🙂

  5. Keep up the good work on healing my friend. Obviously you are in my thoughts. Green blessings!

  6. My mother went through the surgery in which her uterus and both the ovaries were removed. This happened in the year 1997. She took a few months to recover.
    I want to tell, you stay in my thoughts. With a caring family you are bound to recuperate faster. Lots of sleep is the best way to healing.
    One question. I have read in a few books and I know the medical practitioners in US ask patients to rate their pain on a scale of 1 to 10 but how does a patient decide what number will be appropriate to rate? I mean this is subjective. If I am asked this question I will never know what to tell.

    1. Your kind thoughts are greatly appreciated, Anamika!

      My mother also went through the procedure back in the mid 1980s, and it seemed to take forever for her to recover. She was in the hospital for weeks. I’m amazed at how different my surgery and recovery has been.

      Yes, the pain scale is subjective, but I think (don’t know for sure) it’s used more to gauge the variations in someone’s pain. For example, if I go into the hospital and say my pain is at a 3 or 4, and I give that rating every hour, it shows my pain level isn’t changing. If I suddenly say it’s at an 8, they’ll know something is wrong. So more weight is given to the changes, and not the actual number. I could be wrong, but that’s the impression I’ve gotten.

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