Musing Monday – All about my words

At the beginning of the year, when I dedicated myself to three posts a week, I finally got around to redoing the About Me section of this blog. It’s gotten a few hits in recent days, and it occurred to me that I don’t think I did a great job of telling my readers exactly who I am. I played with a bunch of ideas, then finally decided to create a word cloud with things I felt were particularly relevant to me. Which of course means, by the time I wake up in the morning, I’ll have thought of dozens of words I left out…

This is what I added to the page –

all about my words

For my readers – do you think this gives you a better idea of who I am? For other bloggers, do you have any tips or suggestions for how you present yourself to your readers? Oh, and for people who know me outside of the snippet of cyberspace, can you think of any words I forgot?

geek, gamer, witch, bibliophile, coffee, bake,r chocolate, vodka, Guinness, Crone wannabe, married since 1987, Libertarian, bisexual, unschoool, bird stalker, depression, cat, Leo, writer, Tarot, crow, Scaper, Browncoat, photography, music, Wicca, WoW, Coke not Pepsi, Irish, InternetG33k, mom, Magnolia MA, New Hampshire, Boston Celtic,s New England Patriots, paranormal wordsmith, magic, wicked sassypants, domestic engineer, Ruger

10 thoughts on “Musing Monday – All about my words

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  1. I think it helps. I’m a bad person to ask, though — I don’t tend to fill in much for “About Me” sections on social media. The only place I’ve really done that, I think, is on LJ (you can check out my Rap Sheet there).

    1. Funny – I was over on LJ catching up on your recent posts when you replied. It’s been ages since I peeked at your rap sheet (only reason I know I’ve seen it before is that it sounds so familiar) and I love it. If you were striving for a public audience, I’m sure you’d find a rather large one.

      You’ve also inspired me to change, “Coke” to “Coke not Pepsi” in a future edit of the cloud. *grin*

  2. I love it! I’m not sure I’ve seen many word clouds used for the “About Me,” and that makes it even better. It is fascinating and requires the reader to do a little thinking about the meaning of all the words. Like Browncoat… I don’t really know what that is but it’s intriguing! I feel like my own “About Me” doesn’t tell you much about me other than how much the family-building journey defined me at the time that I wrote it, and that I’m a teacher and I’m kissing 40. πŸ™‚ I like this idea. If I ever get savvy enough to make little tab pages for static things, like our timeline or my background or things of interest that aren’t related to my blog’s infertility and adoption bent, I may borrow this idea (although our words will be very different). πŸ™‚ Love it.

  3. I was skeptical about the word-cloud-as-bio idea, but it actually worked! I did feel I knew you a bit better after reading through it! You could always take a few of those words and explain them a little more (or thread them together) on your about page, if you wanted to.

    I hate writing my own about page/bio. Mine is a work in progress. One thing I do, though, is try to think of the questions people are regularly asking me or things that often seem confusing about what I do, etc. That gives me a starting point, at least!

  4. I haven’t thought about the “About Me” section in quite a whiile. Note to self: think about it.

    Love the idea and not knowing you from a box of rocks, it gives me at least a snapshot and like someone said, “think about meanings.”

    1. Thanks, Middle Girl – if I hadn’t gotten a couple of random visits to my “About Me” page, it probably would still be covered in cobwebs. Good luck revamping yours.

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