A new month means a new @yourtop3 contest over on the Steem platform. The wonderfully timed topic for December is – Holiday Movies.
My first thought was, “Coolness! It will be easy peasy lemon squeezy to pick out three of my favorite Christmas flicks!” Then I started seeing other entries, and almost every single choice seemed like one I just HAD to pick! Then I started going down the list over on Wikipedia, and my brain nearly exploded.
These are the titles I jotted down to pick from (and I was trying to just go for the ones that hold special meaning to me), in no particular order…
- How the Grinch Stole Christmas
- Elf
- Charlie Brown Christmas
- Nightmare Before Christmas
- Christmas Story
- Santa Clause
- Home Alone
- Die Hard
- Jack Frost
- Rudolph
- It’s a Wonderful Life
- Scrooged
- The Polar Express
- Christmas in Connecticut
- Love Actually
- Annabelle’s Wish
- A Christmas Carol 1999 with Stewart
- The Muppet Christmas Carol
- A Christmas Carol (1938)
- A Christmas Carol (1951)
- The Man Who Invented Christmas
- Mister Magoo’s Christmas Special
- National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
- Year Without a Santa Claus
- Christmas with the Kranks
- Rent
- Nutcracker: The Motion Picture
- Emmet Otter’s Jug-Band Christmas
- Frosty the Snowman
- The Little Drummer Boy
- Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town
- Krampus
Now how the holly halls was I supposed to pick just 3?
Luckily, as I was working on the post, I also had to do the drawing for the winner of my #SPUD8 giveaway (@streetstyle‘s awesomesauce initiative), and after I put all the names into the Random Result generator, it occurred to me that maybe I could do the same with the movie list!
I made myself a promise that I’d go with whatever the random result was (so I didn’t end up submitting this entry for next December…lol), and hit the button. So my choices are…
Place #1: Scrooged
Place #2: Annabelle’s Wish
Place #3: Nutcracker: The Motion Picture
And now to make it official…
Nomination 1 – Scrooged
This movie has been around almost as long as hubby and I have been together, so it feels like “our” holiday movie – especially with all the amazing 80s vibes in it (I mean, come on – how can you not love a movie that includes the Solid Gold Dancers? 😂 ). And of course, any scene with Carol Kane is magical! Any time I watch this movie, I picture us back in those days of yore…

Nomination 2 – Annabelle’s Wish
This movie came out when we only had two of our three kidlets (and in time for our boy’s first xmas), and we haven’t seen it in ages, but just seeing the title immediately reminded me of when all our babies were babies. It has such a sweet (if a bit heart pokey) storyline, and I could listen to Randy Travis reading the phone book for hours! I know we still own the VHS, but since we don’t have a player anymore I’m going to see about getting the DVD and having a family movie night in the very near future. Then I’ll close my eyes and pretend our three still look like this…

Nomination 3 – Nutcracker: The Motion Picture
Back about a thousand years ago, when I was young, I was a ballerina. My mother started me with lessons when I was about 5 years old (in the basement studio of a neighborhood friend’s house), and by the time I was a pre-teen I began dreaming of being Clara on the big stage (or the SugarPlum Fairy, since she’s da bomb!). Alas, puberty soon arrived and dashed my dancing dreams, but The Nutcracker still holds a wicked special place in my heart, as well as my mom’s. In fact, she managed to arrange not one, but two trips to see it in Boston – once before we had kids, and once when our eldest was little. This movie beautifully captures the ballet, but puts its own spin on the telling of the tale, courtesy of Kent Stowell and Maurice Sendak (yes, that Maurice Sendak!). I have no doubt that when the time comes in the very distant future because I’m too young to be a grandmother that I have grandkids, that the Nutcracker will become part of their holiday memories as well.

Thanks, as always, for the @yourtop3 team for coming up with such a wicked awesomesauce contest topic! This was an excellent way to put me in the holiday spirit, and best of luck to everyone who enters!
EDITED TO ADD – I completely forgot to mention that I made the little Christmasy text dividers over on Canva. Please feel free to use them too, if you like – just right click the picture below, and “Save Image As” to your device!

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