Witchy Wednesday – Inspiration Spell

Not too long ago in the Smart Witch Community, there was a request for an Inspiration Spell. I found this one over on the Llewellyn site, and liked it so much, I decided to turn it into a graphic. I get the feeling, as I start to rework my Maeve Sawyer series, I’ll be using this one a lot!

Spell to Bring Inspiration
Whether it’s writer’s block, painter’s block, chef’s block, or any kind of block that leaves us wondering what our next step should be, it is always a frustrating experience. I have found that when I am uninspired, it helps to get out of my head and ask for help from a higher power. One of the major deities who brings inspiration (particularly in Ireland) is the goddess Brigid (pronounced “Breedj”).

To cast this spell, light a red candle (as Brigid is also aligned with fire), forget about whatever you are trying to create, and relax and go into a meditative state. When you are ready, call out to Brigid with this chant, and inspiration should arrive within twenty-four hours:

“Goddess Brigid, hear my plea,
I offer up this gift of fire.
Unblock my creativity,
Fill my heart, renewed and inspired.”

Allow the candle to burn for an hour, if safe.” ~ Michael Furie

Inspiration Spell

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