Welcome to another one of my Tarot Tuesday posts! I started doing these free readings monthly back in late 2015, then switched to every week in early 2016. They’re by far my most popular posts, as well as being one of my favorites to put together. Today’s reading is for the week of July 14th 2020.
My spoiler space graphic experiment (asking for quotes to pair with a composite photo I put together) has run its course for the moment, but I’ll probably do it again in the near future. I love the excuse to play around with Canva whilst making new infographics/quotos! If there’s ever anything you’d like to see, like a favorite moon quote paired with one of my photos, please be sure to shout out and I’ll put it together for a future Tarot Tuesday post.
Now on with the reading. The setup of how I do these was not my original idea – I was actually inspired by how a few other bloggers were doing their readings back years ago. And since this method is a little bit different than how some other readers on other social media do them (usually posting the card backs first, then the messages at a later time), here’s a quick breakdown on how this works…
First, pick a card you are drawn to from the photo below. If more than one speaks to you, go ahead and pick that one too. You can even pick all three, in whatever order you like!
When you’ve decided on your card (or cards), scroll down to the bottom of the page for the photo revealing the card faces, and your message for the upcoming week.
Also, don’t be worried if you don’t happen to see this exactly on Tuesday. The message will be ready and waiting for you whenever you get here. 😊
I would also like to mention…

Now here are the backs of the cards for this week. Take a moment to clear your mind, inhale and exhale deeply, center yourself – whatever you need to do to focus. When you’re ready, take a look at the photo and then decide which one (or ones) speaks to you. Then scroll down to the bottom of the post for the picture of the front of the cards, and your message.
Next up, as a bit of insurance policy to make sure you don’t see the picture of the front of the cards before you’ve made your choice, I’m putting some of my infographics here as a type of spacer/spoiler prevention. I recently used this Simple Candle Spell graphic in a Tarot Tuesday post, but I realized after that I’d forgotten to add a photo description (and I almost fell over when I realized I took this shot back in 2015!), and I wasn’t happy with how the text elements were balanced. So yesterday I gave then another bit of tweaking and posted the results on my Hive blog.
Pinterest sized

Instagram sized

Now it’s time for the big reveal! Here are the fronts of the cards…
…and the messages for each card are…
1. The World
Journey’s End. You’ve been moving towards a goal, and after all your steps (and missteps), you’ve finally reached your destination. Don’t believe it? Think about where you were this time last year, and see how far you’ve come. This can also mean a sudden epiphany about your place in the grand scheme of things, and a desire to connect to a greater community. In either case, it’s time to celebrate, while also getting ready for your next journey (just like Seneca the Younger, and the song both say, “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end”).
Tarot Tidbit: The World last showed up during the fall of last year, in the second position, on November 5th, 2019.
2. Queen of Cups
Trust your intuition. Time to listen to your heart, and not your head. Sit, meditate, and reflect on all aspects of the situation, and try to figure out what makes emotional, if not practical, sense. This might also call for a hefty dose of compassion – sometimes simply being supportive for someone is all they need. Channeling your inner Miss Honey and using a listening ear, an open mind, and a bazillion hugs can go a long way towards healing and understanding.
Tarot Tidbit: Queen of Cups was last seen back in the spring in the third position, on March 24th, 2020.
3. The Devil
Check your chains. Take a look at the things you think are holding you back. You might find the chains are loose enough to escape from, and your captivity was an illusion all along. I also tend to draw this card I get when I need to do a reality check – like, how much am I overindulging in things (gaming, alcohol, chocola… wait a second, there’s no such thing as chocolate overindulgence! *grin*), or how uptight am I being (afraid to splurge, nervous to try new things). Now is the time for “Breaking the chains around you/Nobody else can bind you/Take a good look around you/Now you’re breaking the chains.”
Tarot Tidbit: The Devil seems to like this spot – the past two times it’s shown up, it’s been in the third position, most recently at the beginning of this year, on January 21st, 2020 (and prior to that on September 10th, 2019).

I hope you enjoyed your message for the week of July 14th 2020! Bright blessings to you!

Thanks for stopping by!

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Blog graphics created on Canva
My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.
All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can sometimes also be found on my various social media sites.
Speaking of witch which…
I have one billion many homes on the interwebz.
Here are a few…
- Smoke Blog ~ Traci York
- Hive Blog ~ Traci York
- WordPress Blog ~ Traci York
- Facebook ~ Traci Cavanaugh York
- Facebook Page ~ Traci York, Writer
- Instagram ~ traciyork_aka_internetg33k
- Pinterest ~ Traci York, Writer
- Twitter ~ @TraciYorkWriter
- My Weku Blog ~ Traci York
- YouTube ~ InternetGeek
- Ello ~ @traciyork
I love your Tarot Tuesdays! I got the Queen of Cups this time! 🙂
Thanks, Lisa – and awesomeness!