I tested the limits of my five year old digital camera tonight, but I got some decent shots of the Super Blood Moon. The whole family ended up outside with me. There were a couple of moments, as we stood in the dark driveway, that a number of coyotes serenaded us, Magical, spooky, beautiful evening!
Oh, and for the record, I took these shots with my trusty Olympus SP-800UZ. I only used the 30x zoom lens it came with. I also used a tripod. A few months ago, I searched for a highly recommended and inexpensive (two of my favorite things) tripod and found the Dolica ST-500 68-Inch Lightweight Tripod. I love it!
(Nope, not paid or compensated in any way to crow about the camera and tripod – included it just so’s ya know)

I tested the limits of my five year old digital camera tonight, but I got some decent shots of the Super Blood Moon. The whole family ended up outside with me. There were a couple of moments, as we stood in the dark driveway, that a number of coyotes serenaded us, Magical, spooky, beautiful evening!Oh, and for the record, I took these shots with my trusty Olympus SP-800UZ. I only used the 30x zoom lens it came with. I also used a tripod. A few months ago, I searched for a highly recommended and inexpensive (two of my favorite things) tripod and found the Dolica ST-500 68-Inch Lightweight Tripod. I love it!(Nope, not paid or compensated in any way to crow about the camera and tripod – included it just so’s ya know)
Very cool pictures! We couldn’t see the moon from our house last night, so we missed it.
Thanks, Mel! Bummer you couldn’t see it.
Outstanding pictures!
Thanks so much, Jo!
You captured some great pics! I stayed up late enough to see just the very beginning of the eclipse — would have loved to stay for totality, but I was just too exhausted, and knew I’d have to be up at wicked-dark-thirty for work this morning. Bummer!
Many thanks, thinky dear! Originally I planned to stay awake for the duration, but Cyril scored some OT for today, and had to do the wicked-dark-thirty thing too, so I bailed after it was completely eclipsed. Hope you get some good rest (and a change in luck!) in the very near future!
Well, Fred escaped being hit by a tractor-trailer this morning on I-93, so I’m feeling pretty lucky just now…
Those pics are amazing! I just got a new DSLR – nothing too fancy, but I can switch lenses on it and try to understand aperture etc, but had too much camera shake due ti no tripod, that’s my next purchase so thx for the suggestion.
Your pics really are wonderful & how cool that itgot everyone out there.
Thanks! I’m actually hoping to get a basic DSLR sometime in the near-ish future – which one did you get? Yeah, the tripod makes a huge difference, and I was amazed at how nice the one was that I got. I found the recommendation on a photography site, and they were right – an expensive tripod for an inexpensive price.
Having everyone wander out was the most magical part of the evening for me. 🙂
Great pics. I took some last year (or earlier this year – I can’t remember) of a blood moon eclipse we had and was wishing I had a recent tripod. I also use a super-zoom camera but I’m thinking about getting a DSLR too. Maybe one of those mirrorless ones.
I was surprised at how big a difference a good tripod made, Mali. If you find a decent, inexpensive DSLR, be sure to shout out – I’d be interested to know what you got. And thanks.
Love the first shot especially! My trees were not so photogenically in the way, so I had to climb to the top of a swingset to get off some shots.
(New Canon DSL with a 300 mm telephoto lens. I was able to handhold the bright shots, but in totality I needed the tripod … fortunately I got to stay on the ground for that one!!)
I wandered around in the yard a bit to get the trees to behave in the frame. Wow, climbing a swingset? You’re more hardcore (and agile) than me! *grin*
How do you like your Canon? I’m eyeballing the PowerShot SX50 – it’s older, but it’s gotten good reviews, and it’s relatively inexpensive. But since I won’t have the money any time soon, I’m still checking out other possibilities.
Our entire neighborhood is filled with huge pine trees – the only clear angle early in the night was to climb up high. So frustrating, haha.
I love my Canon, I’ve always had Canon cameras. Got my first SLR (with film, remember that?) almost 15 years ago, so it’s locked me in a bit, but they’ve always held up really well. Just got the new T6s a few months ago and it’s freaking amazing.
For point and shoot, I looooove my Panasonic Lumix. It has a leica lens .. got one for my mom who historically takes really bad pictures and now she’s taking decent ones!
How funny – I’m surrounded by tall pine trees too! Luckily we live on a hill, but I can’t ever capture moon rise from home. I totally get your frustration. *grin*
Cool – thanks for the recommendation. I used to be a Nikon girl – my dad bought me a Nikon EM in 1983 (so yeah, I remember film LOL), and I had a digital Nikon for a short time about a half dozen years ago (got stolen), then hubby bought me the Olympus as a surprise replacement. I’ve heard excellent things about the Canons though, so I’m definitely leaning in that direction. Thanks! 🙂
Well done! I watched it for a bit. Very lovely.
Thanks, deathstar! 😀
These are amazing photos, Traci. Well done!
Thank you, Lori!