As my Facebook friends can attest to, I’ve renewed my love for photography this year. I don’t ever anticipate giving up my day job (so says the unemployed, stay-at-home mother), but it’s something that gives me great joy and a sense of connecting with my muse on a deeper level. Plus, I get to hang outside in the fresh air and occasional sunshine without looking like a crazy stalker chick… much.. *grin*
When I discovered a week or so ago that May is officially National Photography Month, I knew I wanted to celebrate it in some way. Sadly, most of the websites I found with information, contests, and galleries were woefully out-of-date. I have to say, in this day and age of Flickr and Instagram, I’m surprised there isn’t more of a web presence for the event. However, I’m holding out hope for this site – they didn’t post the following until May 4th of last year, so they might still be active –
From the American Photography Association website –
Did you know that May is National Photography Month (NPM) in the United States?
NPM was officially recognized by Congress in 1987 as a month-long event. It was first introduced by President Ronald Reagan in 1984 as the ‘American Photography Celebration’ which ran from May 7-14.
The American Photography Association (the “Association”) is a primary sponsor of National Photography Month and our goal is to maintain President Reagan’s vision to celebrate photography and photographers.
The Association is hosting a NPM photo contest in May and will be giving away free Association Memberships throughout the month to encourage the participation in photography by all levels of photographers, worldwide. We are also featuring the work of a number of photographers and photojournalists including several rising stars and established professionals. Details will be provided via the Association website and Member emails.
For now, I plan to unofficially change my Musing Monday posts next month to My (Kodak) Moments. Also, over on my Facebook fan page, each Monday I plan to share all of the photography pages I follow, in the hopes of getting them more of an audience. If you have a favorite photog friend, please head over to my page and share their links at –
I leave you with a Kodak moment I snapped today.

Yay! More pictures! ๐