Happy Second Day of Spring! Yesterday was the Spring Equinox, so naturally Mother Nature decided to celebrate with a Nor’easter. The predictions ranged from 1-3 inches, to 3-5 inches – at the moment, it’s still snowing and there’s easily 6-7 inches out there right now.

Also, Melissa Ford over at Stirrup Queens pointed out that today is Twitter’s 10th anniversary, and provided their cool little link to discover your first ever tweet. Here’s my rather unimpressive-but-still-writerly result –
I am tweaking my story for Open Mike night
— Traci Cavanaugh York (@TraciYorkWriter) August 19, 2008
Here’s to hoping Nor’easter Monday is quickly followed by Mor’melty Tuesday. π
“Not sure what #MicroblogMondays is?
Read the inaugural post which explains
the idea and how you can participate too.”
~ Melissa S. Ford, Stirrup Queens
Hello Traci! How have you been doing? Spring and snow make such an unlikely combination. In Bangalore, where I live, summer is already in full swing.
Hello Anamika! It’s so great to see you again! I’ve been doing well, and I hope you have also. The spring snow combo is one of the joys of living in New England – we’ve had blizzards as late in the year as April! Hope you’re enjoying a wonderful summer.
Mr. Bluebird is so colorful! Snow for you and here we have the sweltering summer to deal with. Oh for rains!
Lovely bird captures, all.
Thank you, Shail! I’d be happy to box up some snow and send it your way. π
I hope today is finding you more springy than wintry. As always, your pix are stunning!
Thanks, Lori! In fact, the bulk of the snow had already started to melt by the end of the day, and was completely gone a day or so later. I think that was the last of it for the year – fingers crossed!
Whoa – misread your tweet as “twerking” instead of “tweaking.” Could not figure out what you meant.
We had very light flurries yesterday that didn’t even bother to stick. I wish it were warmer for these first days of spring, but I can’t complain that we missed the predicted inches of snow.
LOL! I can see how that would be a head-scratcher, Cyn! π
We were spoiled this winter by the warm weather, but now we seem to be making up for it. Soon enough, we’ll be complaining around here that it’s too hot.
Wow Traci… that bird feeder under the snow looks… well incredible to someone who lives in he land of no winter! But spring and snow and not a good combination… hoipe the snow melts soon!
You would’ve been stunned to be in this area last winter, Anks – we were buried in snow for most of the season! However this year, we got it easy, and that snow is already long gone. Hope you’re enjoying your summer weather!
Beautiful photos! Thinking of you and your spring snow. We had some snow showers here but nothing stuck. I was kind of hoping for a snow day.. π I hope it melts soon and re-reveals all your little green shoots of spring progress! The birds seem happy, at least…
Thanks, Jess – it did melt very fast, and even though it’s still been chilly, the green stuff is starting to sprout! And, yes – between me and my landlord, we manage to keep the birds pretty happy throughout the winters. π
Love the pics with your new camera. Well worth it. I know — I can’t believe we were dealing with snow this week after going days without even wearing a coat.
Thank you, Mel. Yeah, being spoiled by the warm weather definitely makes it harder to deal with the return (however brief) to wintery stuff. I still see the S word in the forecast this week, but thankfully it’s for the Northern part of the state – hopefully they get greedy and don’t share it with the rest of us!
The pictures are stunning. I hope the snow is short-lived on the ground and Spring comes chirping along in no time a’tall.
Thank you, Middle Girl! You got your wish – the snow melted very fast,and there’s a rumor that Spring is actually springing! π
Beautiful birds! I never used to appreciate birds, until I went to Africa about 7 years ago. Now, I’m jealous you have those to brighten your winter landscapes.
Wow – I’m jealous that you went to Africa, Mali! I’d love to go there someday and spend hours taking pictures. And I never really appreciated birds either, until we moved into this house a few years ago, and had such a variety hanging out on a daily basis. They do cheer me up in the winter months. π
Beautiful pictures. It is difficult to find food in winter. Poor birds.
The birds around here get spoiled in the winter – LOL! I know tons of people who maintain feeders, and even go to the extreme of having heated bird baths, so they have access to fresh water (I haven’t gotten to that point of bird crazy – yet). In return, they’re happy to pose for many pictures, so it all works out.