Today, July 12th (or in some areas, in the early hours of the day tomorrow the 13th), the Dark Cancer Super Moon arrives in my time zone. Be sure to check for your local time HERE. Since this new /dark moon is at the closest point to Earth during its monthly trip around the block (called the perigee) it also qualifies as a Supermoon, the first (or second, depending on who you ask) of 2018, and it’s going to be the largest and closest of them all.
As I mentioned last month, some were saying the New/Dark moon in June was a “Super” New Moon (like The Old Farmer’s Almanac), and some were saying the dark moon in July would be the first of two Super New Moons in 2018 (like Time and Date, my usual source for moon times), with the second one being August.
At any rate, everyone agrees – this one is Super! What does this mean for you? I’ve put together a bunch of information to help shine some light on this lightless event.
First up, rather that rehashing all my usual New/Dark moon stuff, like “Why do you say New/Dark moon? Is there a difference between the two?” and “Magical Dark Moon Facts” you can check it out in last month’s post by clicking HERE
Now, as for that partial solar eclipse that won’t be visible much at all from anywhere on land (unlike the lunar eclipse happening later this month) –
What about the magical properties of a Solar Eclipse?
Here’s some great information put together by Patti Wigington, the Paganism/Wicca Expert over at ThoughtCo (the original article seems to have been lost in the transition from the now defunct – hopefully it will be back up soon).
In many belief systems, a solar eclipse is considered a sort of magical bonus round – this means that any workings you do during this period will have a lot of extra energy behind them. If there’s a working you’d like to do that seems like a bit of a challenge, try it during an eclipse, and see if it gives you the boost you need. There are a few magical traditions that believe only a very experienced magical practitioner should attempt a working during an eclipse, because of the levels of power and energy.
In general, if you’re not part of one of these traditions, it’s safe to use your own best judgment.
Some people associate the eclipse not only with destruction but with rebirth – there are some legends that seeds planted during a solar eclipse will blossom sooner and healthier than their counterparts planted at other times.
If you’re someone who follows astrology, there’s a theory that a solar eclipse that takes place during a new moon phase is a good time to perform workings related to love magic.
The New/Dark Moon in Cancer and your Sun Sign
For those of you who are interested in how this new/dark moon will affect your sun sign, I found this wicked awesomesauce article over on called Solar Eclipse in Cancer Horoscopes July 2018. Here’s a tiny snippet, but be sure to check out the rest of the post for your sign info –
Big changes are ahead, thanks in part to a powerful Solar Eclipse in tender-hearted Cancer on July 12, 2018. We should expect opportunities and transitions alike that center on Cancer-related themes such as home and family, tradition, and emotional fulfillment. With the eclipse coming in at an opposition to transformative and empowering Pluto, this eclipse calls us to step into our power by stepping outside of our comfort zone. With both the Sun and Moon in Cancer, fueling our desire for security, it can be all too easy to cling to what feels safe and familiar; even if that familiarity no longer serves us. However, the power of this eclipse will help us to get emotionally honest with ourselves and others in terms of what we need and what we don’t.
New/Dark Moon in Cancer Infographic
Finally, here’s the graphic I created for the occasion, using one of my shots of the Full Wolf Moon in January, darkened with a filter, since it’s tough to snap shots of something that’s “invisible against the backdrop of the Sun in the sky.”
Happy New/Dark Super Moon in Cancer & Partial Solar Eclipse!

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated). The
graphics were created on Canva,
and can sometimes also be found on my various social media sites.
Speaking of…
I have one billion many homes on the interwebz. Here are a few –
- My WordPress Blog – Traci York
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Animated Banner Created By @zord189

Great infographic!
Thanks, Bee!