Yesterday I was hanging out in my bedroom on my computer when Freddie started making the creepy cool, “kree kree” noise he makes (similar to the cats in this video) when he sees cute little creatures outside that he wants to hunt. He seemed more agitated than usual, and just as I was standing up to check, I heard a familiar, “caw… caw… caw…” nearby and realized I was finally getting a visit from my crows, after not seeing them around for ages!
I know part of the reason they’ve been scarce is that I’ve stopped leaving tons of treats out on a regular basis. We’ve had a number of bear sightings in our neighborhood in recent years, so I’ve been a bit more frugal with the food. While I’ve heard the crows calling here and there, it hasn’t been like when they spoiled me in years past. And since it was still drizzling rain out, I couldn’t head outside to get any shots so I’m not sure if it was Angel (the crow who doesn’t mind me being outside) and his friends, but there were at least five that I saw who found the pieces of raisin toast I’d tossed out the day before and were having a happy feast.
I’m sure it’s helped that in the past few weeks, I’ve occasionally put out a peanut butter & jelly sandwich or two leftover from hubby’s work lunch. I’m guessing by the visit that they’ve noticed I’m trying to bribe them to be friends again re-establish a connection . And as @free-reign can attest to, with the crows that visit him, peanut butter is a crowd pleaser!
Also speaking of friends with feathers, be sure to check out @Melinda010100‘s #FeatheredFriends on the Hive blockchain for more feathered friend awesomeness!
Now for a Feathered Friends visit from my crows yesterday, April 30th 2020

Hope you enjoyed the visit from my crows, and happy Friday! Oh, and for my friends on the Hive blockchain, a much belated reminder that today was #HIVE-PUD-INTL Day (check out @streetstyle‘s post HERE for more info). If it’s still May 1st where you are, you still have time to power up and show your support for the blockchain we love! Happy #Hive-PUD (Power Up Day)!
Thanks for stopping by!

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Speaking of witch which…
I have one billion many homes on the interwebz.
Here are a few…
- Smoke Blog ~ Traci York
- Hive Blog ~ Traci York
- WordPress Blog ~ Traci York
- Facebook ~ Traci Cavanaugh York
- Facebook Page ~ Traci York, Writer
- Instagram ~ traciyork_aka_internetg33k
- Pinterest ~ Traci York, Writer
- Twitter ~ @TraciYorkWriter
- My Weku Blog ~ Traci York
- YouTube ~ InternetGeek
- Ello ~ @traciyork
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