#FeatheredFriends Crow Visit From March 2017

When I was outside with our dog Sandy this morning, I heard “my” crows calling to each other somewhere in the woods. It occurred to me I haven’t seen them hanging around close to the house for some time now (especially since I haven’t been tossing out day old raisin toast from hubby’s work lunch in a very long time). I considered wobbling running back into the kitchen to find some treats, but since it was just starting to rain, I figured I’d try do some something another day in the very near future instead.

Then, since I couldn’t get any new shots today, I decided to peek into my archives, to see what I had in my “unedited” files. I found these six shots I’d never gotten around to editing, from March 2017. And by editing, I mean resizing/cropping, with a little tweak or two to the exposure – nothing terribly fancy, but it’s still a bit time consuming (and not nearly as much fun as taking the pictures…lol).

As I’ve said many times before, I’ve felt a special bond with crows in recent years. Especially since, according to one of my favorite Llewellyn authors, Ted Andrews (from his amazing book, Animal Speak) –

“Wherever crows are, there is magic. They are symbols of creation and spiritual strength. They remind us to look for opportunities to create and manifest the magic of life. They are messengers calling to us about the creation and magic that is alive within our world everyday and available to us.” ~ Ted Andrews, Animal Speak (page 132)

Now for my captures of a Crow visit From March 2017

Crow Visit From March 2017
1. One of my favorite sights – Angel, my crow friend (more info in this post) perched in a nearby tree.

Crow Visit From March 2017
Something got his attention – probably his lady love, off in a nearby tree.

Crow Visit From March 2017
While I love the lush greenness of summer, I have to say the bare trees make for great photo ops!

Crow Visit From March 2017
Angel’s favorite place to sit/pose, although he looks a bit ruffled here. 😂

Crow Visit From March 2017
It’s a great spot for sun bathing

Crow Visit From March 2017
In this shot, you can see his nictitating membrane (a sort of second eyelid), giving him extra creepy cool points! Not that he needs them, since he’s already such a cool crow!


Hope you enjoyed my shots of my Crow visit From March 2017, and happy Friday!

Thanks for stopping by!

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My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.

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and can sometimes also be found on my various social media sites.

Speaking of witch which…

I have one billion many homes on the interwebz.
Here are a few…


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