Eight Sublime Sunday Shots, Deeply Dreamed

Seems like NaBloPoMo & HiveBloPoMo just started, and here we are on the last Sunday of the month! I’ve barely scratched the surface of all the posts I wanted to do – I had hardly anything witchy, and the pictures & video of the rare bird sighting in my yard last June are still sitting in a file folder on my computer. But for today, I’m sticking with another Sublime Sunday post, with eight Deeply Dreamed versions of four of the photos I’ve shared this week (two versions each) via Deep Dream Generator.

As I’ve said a few times before, I’ve had fun becoming reacquainted with this dreamy way of filtering photos, and while I might not do this every Sunday, I’m planning to continue the habit of playing with this software. Especially now that I’ve been moving towards becoming an official Deep Dreamer (only a little over 300 likes away!).

One last thing before I get to the deep dreaming – be sure to check out the #SublimeSunday tag host @c0ff33a‘s latest post 🙌🏽Sublime Sunday🙌🏽 An excuse to post your random, creative or crazy ideas by – @c0ff33a ☕️ for more information about how to participate, as well as some sublime photos of walk through a UK park, a dashcam video, and a cool funky flower edit. Oh, and I hope you feel better from your vaccine side effects, my Farscape loving friend! 🤗

Eight (actually Nine because of an oopsie) Sublime Sunday Shots, Deeply Dreamed


Sunset trees
1. Sunset trees.

Sublime Sunday Shots, Deeply Dreamed
1. DDG1

Sublime Sunday Shots, Deeply Dreamed
1. DDG2

Sunset trees
2. Cool branches.

Sublime Sunday Shots, Deeply Dreamed
2. DDG1

Sublime Sunday Shots, Deeply Dreamed
2. DDG2

Sublime Sunday Shots, Deeply Dreamed
2. DDG3 Okay, this one was a bit of an oopsie, since I didn’t notice I picked the wrong thumbnail to dream, so I have three of this one and only one of the next.

Wayback Wednesday Wander with my camera, May 5th 2020
3. Tree buds.

Sublime Sunday Shots, Deeply Dreamed
3. DDG1 I’ll do a second version of this one and upload it later tonight/tomorrow, after my DDG Energy regenerates.

10PM – EDITED TO ADD: And here it is…
Sublime Sunday Shots, Deeply Dreamed
3. DDG2

Wayback Wednesday Wander with my camera, May 5th 2020
4. Myrtle Warbler

Sublime Sunday Shots, Deeply Dreamed
4. DDG1 And the same with this one – I miscalculated how much time it would take to do all these, but I wanted to get this posted before 8pm my time, so a second version will arrive asap.

10PM – EDITED TO ADD: Asap has arrived…lol…
Sublime Sunday Shots, Deeply Dreamed
4. DDG2


Hope everyone had a Sublime Sunday and a wonderful weekend!


Thanks for stopping by!

My posts may occasionally contain affiliate links. If you click through,
I might get a wicked small commission, with no extra cost to you.

My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.
Blog graphics created on Canva

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media sites.

Speaking of witch which…


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