Today is Steem Power Up Day Two day! As I said a couple days ago, hubby & I have had a number of discussions about this cryptocurrency called Steem, and how it seems like an amazing opportunity to put my money where my blog is, so I've invested a few small amounts over the past... Continue Reading →
Calling on my Steemit Friends again – PLEASE vote for @steemitbloggers in the 10k SP delegation contest!
Apologies to my readers/WordPress blogging friends - yes, this is another post about Steemit, asking all Steemians to PLEASE vote for the @steemitbloggers/aka #powerhousecreatives community in the 10k SP delegation contest!. However, I believe so strongly in this community and this platform that I want to do whatever I can to support it. I'll try... Continue Reading →
Steemit Friends – PLEASE vote for @steemitbloggers to win a 10k Steem Power delegation!
WHOO HOO! After a tense first round, the @steemitbloggers community (aka #powerhousecreatives) won the nomination round for the 10k Steem Power delegation from @theycallmedan! You can check out the deets at this link over on Steemit. Now it's time for the final round, which will determine the winner. There are many AWESOMESAUCE communities nominated, but... Continue Reading →
Please pardon the mess – website tweaking in progress
Yes, please pardon the mess. Just wanted to let everyone know why this site looks a bit different at the moment. As some of you are aware, for months now I've had issues with the site going down, lagging, and other such shenanigans. I spent a great deal of time at the end of 2017,... Continue Reading →
I’m in a polyamorous relationship… with Steemit and WordPress
I've had the refrain from Torn Between Two Lovers playing in my brain for days... "Torn between two lovers, feelin' like a fool Lovin' both of you is breakin' all the rules" Only I hear it as - Torn between two platforms, feelin' like a tool Posting (on) both of you is breakin' all the... Continue Reading →
My Results For The Book Lover’s Tag
I was nominated by the amazing Gary (not to be confused with Gary) to participate in The Book Lover’s Tag thingamabob (see his post HERE). Do you have a specific place for reading? Yep - any place that's light enough. Bookmarks or random pieces of paper? I've collected some cool bookmarks over the years, but... Continue Reading →
Soundtrack Of My Life – 9 Songs That Tell My Story So Far
Welcome to the soundtrack of my life! Ever since I saw this tag post done by the ever-lovely Em (be sure to check hers out HERE), I've been meaning to give it a go. Then the also ever-lovely Hayley recently inspired me to create a playlist blog, but since that's still a work-in-progress, I figured... Continue Reading →
Code for Flipboard Share Button on WordPress
UPDATED April 24, 2017 - Soon after I posted this, I discovered another blogger had a much more thorough tutorial on how to add a Flipboard Share Button. For more details, including extremely helpful screenshots, please check out How To Add A Flipboard Sharing Button To Your #WordPress Blog by Hugh Roberts *~*~*~*~* First, check... Continue Reading →
Welcome to #WitchBlogWed – a way for Pagan and Witchcraft blogs to connect!
Merry meet and bright blessings to all those who stumble across my humble little spot on the interwebz! I've had my Twitter account for ages and recently became aware of the magically awesome power of the hash tag. Over the years, I'd made many half-hearted attempts to connect with other bloggers, but it wasn't until... Continue Reading →
Two years later, Sir Terry Pratchett lives on in the clacks
We're coming up on the two year anniversary of losing Sir Terry Pratchett (March 12, 2015), so I thought it would be a good time to revisit this post I wrote a short later. I just checked, and the code is still running here on my site. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ March 16th, 2015 We lost Sir Terry... Continue Reading →
I Won The Liebster Award From Em Linthorpe
I won! I won! I won the Liebster Award from Em Linthorpe, one of the many wonderful and wicked awesome people I've met through the #SundayBlogShare tag on Twitter! Whoo hoo! According to her blog post, this is what it means - "What is the Liebster Award? It all seems a bit vague to me,... Continue Reading →
Joining the fun with the Get To Know Me Tag
I've seen the Get to Know Me tag a number of places, and always planned to jump in eventually. Then when I saw it again on Ritu's blog, at about the same time Suzie Speaks re-shared a post called, How to Create a Successful About Page, I figured it was high time I did both.... Continue Reading →