A Throwback Thursday Wednesday Walk from September 22nd 2016

Yesterday ended up being wicked busy with doctor’s appointments, phone calls, and paperwork (to clarify for my mother – no worries, mom – it was all related to stuff you’re aware of! 😊). So for today I’m doing a Throwback Thursday Wednesday Walk from September 22nd 2016, which is just three days shy of being exactly three years ago.

I did share a few of these on some of my social media accounts back then, but a large number of these two dozen shots have been collecting dust on my hard drive since I snapped them whilst wandering around our yard off and on over the course of the whole day.

Speaking of wandering, don’t forget to wander on over to @tattoodjay‘s latest post, called Wednesday walk challenge -Silver sands and Steem Basic Income Give away which has some beautiful captures (my favorite is the fourth one) from an early morning walk along the boardwalk from Walnut Beach through Silver Sands State Park in Milford, Connecticut.

Now, on to my photos of a Throwback Thursday Wednesday Walk from September 22nd 2016!


Wednesday Walk from September 22nd
Around 8am, the clouds in the sky looked wicked cool. Funny though – this was the view to the left of our driveway…

Wednesday Walk from September 22nd
…while this was the view to the right – almost cloud free, with the moon hanging out almost in the center of the shot.

Wednesday Walk from September 22nd
Thanks to the Moon Giant website, I can tell you this was the Waning Gibbous (one day away from Last Quarter) moon.

Wednesday Walk from September 22nd
It looked so cool hanging out in the blue sky!

Wednesday Walk from September 22nd
I don’t quite remember why I meandered down our driveway that particular day, but I do remember looking up and admiring the stained glass effect of the fall leaves against the cloud covered sky

Wednesday Walk from September 22nd
Same shot, zoomed out.

Wednesday Walk from September 22nd
A little later in the morning, I spotted this little one near the bird feeders – I’m fairly certain it’s a young Goldfinch.

Wednesday Walk from September 22nd
Not too far away, a Phoebe perched and watched the goings on…

Wednesday Walk from September 22nd
…I’m not entirely certain this is a Juvenile Phoebe…

Wednesday Walk from September 22nd
…but I’m positive it was adorable!


Wednesday Walk from September 22nd
Not sure if this Goldfinch is getting a drink, or checking its reflection in the water.

Wednesday Walk from September 22nd
A short distance away in the woods, I found a little mushroom fairy village….

…it was obviously magical because close by…

…as you can see in this shot, a Crow left me a magical gift!

Thanks to the Feather Atlas site, I was able to figure out that this is a secondary wing feather

I love the look of brightly colored leaves against a blue sky!

Of course, sunlight on the still green leaves is pretty awesome too.

Speaking of gifts, this Mourning Dove decided to wander up close to our house…

… to drop of a feather gift of its own!

The young Goldfinch hung out a bit further back in the woods…

… while this young Rose-breasted Grosbeak hung out closer to the feeders.

The Goldfinch then got brave and came over to get a drink.

Then a different Goldfinch that also seemed fairly young, stopped in for a sip or two.

Later, after I dumped out the old water and grass, Mr. Red Squirrel decided to grab a late afternoon drink before the sun disappeared from the sky.


Happy walking & see you next week!

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Blog graphics created on Canva
My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.

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and can sometimes also be found on my various social media sites.

Speaking of witch which…

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Here are a few…

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Links: PowerHouseCreatives; steemsugars; steemusa;
anonyvoter/steemians directory; helpie


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