WW – Wheel of the Year Mabon Ritual

For Ostara, way back in March 2015 (serendipitously, the seasonal bookend to tomorrow’s Mabon), I started putting together graphics for my Witchy Wednesday posts. I did them for each “spoke” on the Wheel of the Year, as well as the Full and New/Dark moons. The idea was to get myself back in a magical frame of mind, as well as giving me kind of a flashcard way to celebrate each occasion. Now that I have well over a year’s worth of them, I’ve discovered that I’m still slacking off and not getting my witchiness on not doing rituals nearly as often as I’d like.

My goal for this coming year is to put together simple ritual graphics for each quarter and cross quarter day. Here’s the first – a simple Mabon ritual I put together, using inspiration from the spells over on the Llewellyn site. Bright Mabon Blessings!

Mabon Ritual

Mabon Ritual. Mabon (The Witch’s Thanksgiving) Ritual. Prepare your altar/ritual space as usual. Add a pair of candles (preferably one black and one white). Decorate with apples, acorns, Fall leaves – anything that calls to mind the harvest. Next to you, place a pen or pencil, paper, and a cup containing a beverage of your choice. Light the candles, and spend some time reflecting on what seeds (ideas, plans, relationships) you planted in the spring, and what you actually harvested this year. Tomorrow, the energy of the year changes from external work to internal reflection, so use today to focus on figuring out what you need to do to balance your life. Next, make a list of three things (such as routinely de-cluttering your home, doing weekly protection spells, organizing your Book of Shadows) you can do through the dark time of the year to help “fertilize the earth” in preparation for Ostara in March. When you are finished, fold up your list and keep it on your altar. Finally, take a sip of your drink, and give thanks to The Powers That Be for your harvest. If possible, pour the rest of your beverage on the ground outside, symbolically giving back some of what you’ve been given. Mabon Ritual. First, this is not a passive voice. Next, I am writing in an active voice. Therefore, my SEO will stop telling me how to write. Furthermore, these sentences are also shorter than twenty words. Rather, stop being so controlling. Especially since most of the sentences in this post are not mine. I will keep going while until you turn green. I can’t believe this is still orange. Finally, it has turned. Success! First, this is not a passive voice. Next, I am writing in an active voice. Therefore, my SEO will stop telling me how to write. Furthermore, these sentences are also shorter than twenty words. Rather, stop being so controlling. Especially since most of the sentences in this post are not mine. I will keep going while until you turn green. I can’t believe this is still orange. Finally, it has turned. Success!

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